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File 136021873932.jpg - (17.38KB , 237x143 , idiotmakingfistgesture (1).jpg )
399 No. 399
How is survival of the fittest not the most logical philosophy?

Isn't the idea of an everybody wins "utopia" that everybody seems to want just the side effect of empathy, which only exists because we are social animals?
>> No. 402
Survival of the fittest isn't a philosophy it's the natural nature of life. The weak and dull die while the strong and sharp survive.

Utopia would exist if everyone felt true empathy.
>> No. 406
No, you can't go from "survival of the fittest is the way that nature works" to "survival of the fittest is the way that things should be" any more than from "humans feel empathy" to utopia.
>> No. 410
Civilization is our attempt to spare ourselves from that which is harmful to us in nature (including our own nature). Few hope for a Utopia, but nearly everyone hopes for the preservation and continuation of civilization.
>> No. 426

Right, because civilisation is the result of deliberate effort and not laziness.
>> No. 427
To assume survival of the fittest/competition is the best way to run society is a gross appeal to nature. I think even Darwin himself remarked at how slow and inefficient natural selection is. Also read Peter Kropotkin's "Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution".

Note that I'm not implying there aren't people whom we would be better off without.
>> No. 428
Historically, our level of civilization grows when the masses are lazy enough to be led
>> No. 464
Any person who thinks they can stand alone will be beaten by the group of people who stand together. Civilization is evolution.
>> No. 465
Mutual aid justifies racism. It makes more sense to be empathetic to those more related to you than to some strangers you barely know.
>> No. 469
All y'all been indoctrinated by Western ideas of individualism yo. Humans came out the "fittest" because we managed to work together so as to increase to overall fitness of the species. Empathy exists because we as individuals could never survive on our own. We need other people no matter how much they suck.

Drunk posting on 99chan after a long break. Aw yeah.
>> No. 478
We can't make things best or permanent, but we can make them better or last longer. The proof that we can do this is in that we have been doing this all along. And this is not limited to skin-deep creature comforts. Technology and science are helping us to gradually improve important things like life and love. It's philosophy, not science, that could never do this. Certainly not to the extent that is being made possible by science.
>> No. 479
I am so stoned, I just chiseled all over me. lol <3

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