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398 No. 398
So I fucked my sister last night..
>> No. 403
The question is: Did you enjoy it?

The next question is: Did she enjoy it?
>> No. 415
>no one is unique
every DNA in every being would like a word with your.
>> No. 416

The arrangement of nucleotides in one divine meatsack as opposed to another one is of no significant difference. Not that I read OP's picture. All the dots from the proofreading mode or whatever makes it impossible.
>> No. 430
If someone is you they are you. There is no such thing as a soul because I fucking said so; but I have no proof. You're an impossible occurrence of energy manifesting itself into physical consciousness in a universe of non-living stuff, and that is a bad thing. Circumstantial evidence of a fictional character claims that your life is determined by what you do; be ashamed of that as opposed to making the best of life due to that information. Everyone is unique just like everyone else. Imsosmartpayattentiontome.jpg
>> No. 431
Life is absurd. However, that doesn't mean it's meaningless; it means that meaning is created by human folly. You don't have ultimate control over your own life, but you have some. Yes, you are a deterministic pile of matter; this is nothing to be sad about.

'Soul' is not a well-defined term. It's not a helpful term to use. Regarding the nature of the soul, the best position is philosophical non-cognitivist; that is to say, to realise that there is no singular concept of the soul, therefore no-one can have anything useful to say about it.
>> No. 448
Two people being born and living under the exact same circumstances is practically impossible. There are too many variables. Everyone has a unique set of information in their memories. Everyone has a body that grew slightly differently. Yes, some people can and do become objectively better than others at doing specific things. Yes, this makes them objectively more successful than others at achieving goals that they themselves have set. There is no such thing as a 'default human'. Clearly 'special' people do exist, think people with disabilities - clearly they have less chances of success at certain things. Think savants - people who have far more chance of success at one or more things. Everyone is indeed unique. Not that this should make you feel better about yourself.
>> No. 456

Not that humans aren't still all on a level plain. Judgments are just an illusion created by the insecure mind. We are all the same, but we are all unique. Na'mean?

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