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File 135733475256.jpg - (15.29KB , 610x343 , bill-hicks-2.jpg )
386 No. 386
I used to really enjoy philosophy and reading and the whole beauty of thought.

But now I just hate it. I loathe every quote of every author I've read, every discussion, every word related to anything philosophical.

Where's the wisdom of Thoreau, of Locke, of everybody for some starving family somewhere in Africa? Instead of discussing and arguing about how to put down a fire, shouldn't we just get some water?

I feel it's just pointless now, a waste of time. I feel every philosopher was some sort of spoiled brat, enjoying the comforts of a life without hardships, struggles, or actual suffering. Selfish.

I can't find any honesty in their words anymore.

Am I wrong?

I would really like some opinions
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>> No. 388
File 13575204628.jpg - (48.34KB , 500x307 , soren.jpg )
I don't think the purpose of philosophical thought is to "put out the fire", it's more to determine the structure and properties of the fire, to use your analogy. That starving family in Africa may not get any use of formal philosophy, but I guarantee you that they use the concepts in philosophy to some extent without even realizing it.

As far as your comment about most philosophers being self-centered dicks, I'm tempted to agree, as are many others. Of course there are exceptions to that generalization, but on the whole all people are unpleasant. Try reading some different philosophers, sounds like you've been reading some Wittgenstein or something expecting some kind of profound solution to the world's problems.

Personally I'm partial to my trill nigga Kierkegaard, he went through some shit in his personal life. It takes some suffering and realizations of the stark painful reality of our situation to kick off existentialism. Check it out if you haven't already.

Out of curiosity, are there any specific people/writings that made you feel this way?
>> No. 389
I know philosophy isn't supposed to have a lot of actual practical uses, and I used to be OK with that.

Now I just feel it's a waste of time to ponder about things, I'd rather do things. A philosophy professor I once had said to us the first day "Welcome to my class! You'll learn nothing from it!"

And damn, he was right.

It bugs me, the fact that there are more important matters in my life than to waste time reading and thinking. I feel, pardon my expression, as if it's just a load of bullshit.

I guess it bugs me because I really, really enjoyed reading and having some nice insights about things, but now I just can't do it. It feels fake.

I'll check out Soren to see what's up.

Hey, thanks for replying dude.
>> No. 390
Entirely out of curiosity, why do you use double spacing for every sentence? For this sole purpose I am not reading your post.

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