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310 No. 310
Is there such a thing as human nature? If so, what is it? Can we ever find out? Is the question even meaningful?
>> No. 345
I think there is and we can, but not by idly speculating about it as we do here.
>> No. 351
How? Neuropsychology cannot explain everything to us. How are you able to tell the difference between what behavior is inborn and what is culturally learned?
>> No. 352
>cannot explain

there is already plenty of evidence to suggest that some behaviors are inborn. for one, if there were no inborn behaviors at all, something like an ant would not be able to function/exist
>> No. 357
Human nature does exist to an extent but humans are particularly vulnerable as infants which makes them as dependent on cultural input as it does upon their instincts. In fact, most human instincts don't kick in until much later in life, and then don't form properly in the absence of other human beings.

On the other hand, it's precisely those instincts that allows the human being to learn the cultural values that define it. If you consider that, there must be such a thing as human nature.

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