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File 134604149938.png - (399.38KB , 500x504 , stallmanboring.png )
304 No. 304
Free Software isn't really free because it has a long piece of rules attached.

>> No. 309

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 313
Copyleft wouldn't legally be applicable if it wasn't for copyright.
>> No. 365
why do people keep listening to that asshat ?!
>> No. 372
>it has a long piece of rules attached.
That's how we define freedom. Freedom isn't anarchy with no rules.

In the US, people would still argue that they have freedom, even though they are not free to slaughter their neighbours without some sort of punishment.

Western society generally holds to the following principle: "Your freedom ends where my nose begins."

Similarly, proprietary is unethical because it implies restrictions on its users. The owner of the software has control over the users of his software; which violates the above principle.

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