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File 132643422264.jpg - (29.04KB , 550x412 , dat bean.jpg )
29 No. 29
What's your opinion on the mind-brain identity? Basically, is all the information that makes you who you are actually stored physically and normally in the brain? Are we automatons like all other living beings? Or are we something beyond what we can explain with science?
>> No. 32
see: Other thread >>1
>> No. 147
How did you get a picture of the bean without any Asians in it? I've tried on like 5 different occasions.
>> No. 150
Who you believe you are is your personality, history, experiences, thought and things you based your self off of at an impressionable age

My personal thought, is that before you were taught and defined, you were a blank disk with a desire and will so defined yourself to satisfy it

If you have amnesia, essentially who you were has died and your someone else with no impressions[except maybe habits and emotional things].
That why some foreigners [and the courts, because they know something we dont] refer to themselves and "my person" instead of saying me,I, myself etc

Also everything can be explained by science, but whether scientist want to explain it is a different problem.

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