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283 No. 283
This Guy says he doesn't have emotions. I think we are driven by emotions. He states "you cannot say how emotions affect people "
>> No. 306
He's probably just an assburger.
>> No. 307

Philosophical concerns.
>> No. 308
Everyone has emotions.

Some people, though, only have logical emotion, the kind that concerns decision making processes. An example would be someone with schizoid personality disorder. They aren't at all interested in other people, and will usually claim not to have any type of strong emotion.
>> No. 360
Bale confirmed for psychopath, which I imagine was probably useful for his depiction of a psychopath in American Psycho.
>> No. 385

We can infer that they are there because we can observe their effects on otherwise regular phenomena.

Emotions are like this. Even if someone can't process a giant ball of emotions, that doesn't meant that it's not effecting their behavior.

I don't know if I would agree that we are driven by our emotions, but I do think that the Limbic system, which is the emotional seat in our brains, is essentially who we are. It's the source of our desires and rewards, and it's also the filter for our experiences.

Additionally, it's one of the earliest-evolved brain structures.
>> No. 391
My emotional mood swings are fucking ridiculous. Keep in mind I am a male that is 100% straight and has not been diagnosed with any sort of fault or disease or lack of whatever...and yet, my mood swings change dozens of times a day, not just that many but that rapidly as well.

For an hour, I feel happy. Then I feel sad for 5 minutes before I get angry for no reason for like a half hour straight then Im back to being happy again!

Fuck, Idk what's wrong with me but Im sure as hell positive of the fact that we ALL have emotions, and whether we like to believe it or not, they come out in droves each and every single day, even when we dont notice it.
>> No. 393
Everyone has emotions. Otherwise you would die because of inactivity, i.e. starvation, suffocation. You cant logically prove that you should be doing this things unless you assume that survival is something you should be aiming for, and if you completely ignore logic as well you would just act in a random fashion or not at all.

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