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File 133630688276.jpg - (18.11KB , 400x358 , upcdownc - 2005.jpg )
226 No. 226
Because of my own natural inclining and predominant currents in certain field of study I am going to preoccupy myself with for a good deal of my life, I need to get into what, I believe, is commonly referenced as Radical Thought. I absolutely enjoy Žižek's articles (can't say I understand everything there though), Wallerstein's short books and some other related stuff. The thing is, I don't find myself all too comfortable with reading more demanding authors like Harvey, Laclau, Marcuse and suchlike. It's becoming apparent that some firmer ground is needed. At the first hand, I ought to read Marx. What shall I start with? What kind of background is needed? I want neither to spare my time nor to struggle with Marx harder than it's necessary. What shall I proceed to? I am pretty clueless here.
Any hints, tips, guidance?

Pic unrelated.
>> No. 228
OP; You know UPCDOWNC?

You're not from the Medway Towns are you? I remember seeing their posters on telegraph polls when I was a teenager. I didn't ever expect to see someone posting their album cover in an international nexus such as this one.

I'm not sure I could identify 'radical thought' in the work of others. I think my own thoughts are pretty radical. Certainly century-old documents seem unlikely to be able to rock the boat in this day and age.
>> No. 229
I believe "Radical" is merely a label here, I wouldn't expect century-old documents (nor any other documents) to put the Earth ablaze (pictured above) too, huh. Good enough it is not quite what I want.

Never heard of Medway Towns. Apparently upcdownc outgrew it.
>> No. 234
I would suggest studying some anarcho-capitalist philosophy as you explore Marxism. Stuff like Rothbard, Hayek, Mises, etc. You'd benefit from the informed position of synthesizing opposing views.
>> No. 235
They say Lacan is pretty mindbending but it sounds like a bunch of gibberish to me
>> No. 236
I don't know about the others, but I know Zizek was very much influenced by Marx and Lacan. Marx is pretty straightforward, but in order to understand Lacan you need to have some knowledge about the philosophy of Language, more specifically the postmodern conception of language that arose with Wittgenstein. Also if you are not familiar with Freud you should read some stuff about him too, though don't take it too seriously.

So read up on these
Heidegger - Being and Time
Wittgenstein - Philosophical Investigations
Lyotard - The Postmodern Condition

Also read up on postructuralism such as Derrida, Foucault, and Butler (if you like your feminism).

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