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File 14189257489.jpg - (63.96KB , 500x375 , 11.jpg )
715 No. 715
OK fuckers, I'm back in college and I want to know what is the best degree to set me up to work from home as a programmer. I know that I want to specialize in cloud computing, and I have in mind perhaps working for Google. I've found their drive, docs, and slides tools to be invaluable since I've been back in college. Inb4 degrees aren't necessary, both of my parents have advanced degrees from prestigious universities and I want one too. I am looking at UCF but my dream school would be UF, I've been a Gator fan all my life. I'm already learning programming on Kahn Academy. Personal stories are of course welcome.
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>> No. 721
If you just care about getting a decent job, get a degree in software engineering or programming. If you want to build a serious career and have any chance of working at Google, get a degree in Computer Science and really learn the math. A double major in CS and Math would be your best bet, but isn't necessary. Be aware that Computer Engineering is usually more hardware than software, don't get tricked into doing that.

Most importantly, write code. For any classes that don't give you a final project to demonstrate what you learned, make your own. Put all the code on github and put a link on your resume. If you use an open source tool, find its github page and make a contribution. A good portfolio is way more important than a degree.

I have to say that I agree that going to college is important for being a good software developer. Make sure your program will cover multiple programming languages (ones that aren't just object oriented are a big plus), algorithm analysis, discrete math, and databases. For undergrad a security focus isn't super necessary, but a databases or web design class that cover SQL injection is great.

I graduated with a math degree and CS minor, and I'm currently working at a tech company in the bay area. My internships were super helpful, as were career fairs. Make sure you apply to a lot of companies, for interview experience if nothing else. Start early so you know what to expect.

I looked a little at UCF and UF, they both seem to have good CS programs. If you get into UF, you'll have to decide between the engineering college and the college of arts and letters. Either should be fine, but the engineering one would be a little easier to sell. Try to take a course in data structures as early as you can, since it's pretty fundamental to writing good code rather than code that just works.

I didn't see any courses at UF about programming languages, so make sure you get experience in a few if you go there. I'd recommend Java/C#, Ruby/Python, and SQL at a minimum. Something low level like C/C++ and something functional like Lisp/Scheme/Erlang would be good too.
>> No. 729
I can save you a lot of time and trouble:

Read the following statements and tick the box next to the correct answer.
int a = 10;
int b = 20;
a = b;
The new values of a and b are:
[ ] a = 20 b = 0
[ ] a = 20 b = 20
[ ] a = 0 b = 10
[ ] a = 10 b = 10
[ ] a = 30 b = 20
[ ] a = 30 b = 0
[ ] a = 10 b = 30
[ ] a = 0 b = 30
[ ] a = 10 b = 20
[ ] a = 20 b = 10

If you can't answer this question correctly on the first pass you can't be a programmer, so don't bother.

Here's the relevant documentation because RTFM, you asshole:


>> No. 745
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UF is a good school, I am a math student there currently and was computer science as well until getting destroyed by Computer Organization and Design. The hardware stuff was just beyond my comprehension.

So, OP, be prepared for a hardware class or two, even if you are in the software program. UF doesn't have classes for specific programming languages, the class will have a task or role and you will learn a relevant language if it's not in C/C++/Java which you are expected to know from the introductory course sequence.


If I have a math degree and no computer science minor, what kind of developer certifications would I be looking at as an equivalent? I can code as well as most comp sci students but won't be able to complete the minor in time.
>> No. 746
Honestly, certification is really unimportant. It's much better to have a link to a github and/or stackoverflow account and be able to say "here is something I've done". If you haven't done any projects outside of school, look into contributing to open source projects (admittedly, that's pretty hard to do if you don't already know them pretty well).

But really, you'll be able to find work just with a bit of school experience if you try hard enough. You won't get your dream job, but a few years experience with industry programming and no one will give a damn what you majored in.

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