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File 14160900261.jpg - (3.46KB , 200x127 , 1414011067190s.jpg )
678 No. 678
I'm applying for a QA position at a company because I am not that interested in development and have gotten let go from my last 2 jobs. As an assessment they want me to provide "a test case or cases" for a stack of post it notes.

I've been googling around looking at test case tutorials and examples and i just wanted another's opinion about how many cases i should be thinking of in this situation, and the general goal of each case. I mean how many things can you accomplish? Make sure the post its are there, make sure they peel, make sure they stick, make sure you can write on them? thats 4.

I don't have much QA experience (entry level position) but I can't imagine having more than 2 or 3 cases for a stack of post its. Any advice would be appreciated

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