1. Be polite, unless the user is supporting Windows or other Microsoft products. 2. I will not tolerate trolling, shitposts, or any kind of "content" that is clearly bullshit, trolling is allowed if someone likes Windows. 3. You will treat one another with respect and courtesy. You will not be a douchebag to your fellow nerds, unless they talk about windows supremacy. 4.Any person willing to respond to this post with their hash / name can do so, this will be helpful as I can rely on some of you to help moderate this wonderful board. To those who care about content quality and the survival of this board you can email me at rickb(at)99chan(dot)org if you notice anything awry or you just wanna yell at me for some reason 5. I reserve the right to bash you with a banhammer for any reason I see fit but I probably wont, this is highly unlikely and only in the most extreme circumstances.
I hope you realize you can talk about Windows, you will probably just get trashed...