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File 133212076258.jpg - (107.52KB , 512x448 , donkey_kong_country-158565-1.jpg )
82 No. 82
What possible ways are there to make money off of gaming other than gambling?
>> No. 83
There's competitive gaming like going to tournaments, but that's even harder than it sounds because there are a lot of people out there with too much free time on their hands. Probably way more than you do. Really you would be way better off trying to make money through some other venue than gaming if you have the option.

(Also maybe you would count video game related jobs like game design or game testing, but for some reason your post gave me the impression that that's not the case)
>> No. 85
I live in LA and sometimes I find classifieds about game developers looking for investors. don't know if it's a scam or not.
>> No. 86
Open a game cave. you could charge for hourly, do members only, or probably get creative and make money off it in other ways too.
>> No. 87
20,000+ If you're any count at Monopoly..

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