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File 133131953141.jpg - (70.47KB , 630x478 , sexybeast2.jpg )
75 No. 75
I'd like to start a small home business building custom desktop computers and distributing them locally.

Basically, my business plan is to accept orders online with custom part specifications, I buy all the parts and build the computer, and then I ship/deliver the finished computer to the customer. The total cost to the customer will be the cost of parts (including s+h), cost of shipping/delivery of the finished computer to the customer, plus a small ($50-75) service fee. I believe this will keep the prices much lower than regular retail prices for pre-built desktop computers, with the added advantage of being able to customize your PC for exactly what you need. I may also eventually offer related services such as pre-installing the operating system/drivers/software/etc., and/or setting up the computer in the customer's home (plugging it in, connecting any peripherals, booting it up for the first time).

I will be managing this business completely on my own, at least to start off. I will be handling the webpage, accepting orders, buying parts, building the computers, and shipping them out. I will advertise locally in the confidential sections, with flyers, and maybe on the internet or radio.

Now, I have never tried anything like this before, so I have no business experience whatsoever, and I will be learning everything for the first time. How likely is this business model to be a profitable venture for me? Do you guys have any tips for a home business just starting out? Any good resources I can check out, or things I should consider before jumping right in?
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>> No. 76

The main thing you'll need is capital. You need to be able to operate for at least a year without profit in order to make it work.
>> No. 77
I have heard that before, and I assume it is good conventional business sense. In this case though, because I will only be buying parts after I receive payment for the order, the only start up capital I will need would be to pay for the web domain and the advertising. Besides that, I should not need to invest any significant capital into the business to get it off the ground.

That being said, I am currently working (and will continue to work as long as I can manage) two full-time jobs and making somewhere around $46k a year so operating without profit for a while should not be a big concern.
>> No. 78
When you first start a business, you are in the business of getting customers.

Do you believe there is a demand for this service? It seems like people who know what peripherals they want would be savvy enough to build the computer themselves. Not discounting but that is something to think about.

$50-75 may be too low to cover your time. You have to order all the parts, unbox them and build the computer. Then you have to ship it, communicate with the customer, handle your books. Just keep in mind you need to pay yourself eventually. And starting a business takes a lot of time.

Good luck to you! I could probably write a book about my first years running my own business but a lot of it you just need to learn on your own.
>> No. 127
Probably not a great idea.

Your margins will be too low to cover your time, and your prices will be too high. Economies of scale are what make HP and Toshiba and Asus and Dell competitors. When you put together the costs for all the parts and a copy of Windows (that will really get you as you won't get large-scale OEM pricing) and your time you will come out costing significantly more than the average store computer.

The only way around this is building for a high-end market. However, building a computer isn't hard and most gaming fags have figured that out. I think most of my friends have built their own computers, and they're imbeciles.

You won't make it.
>> No. 133
i made a shitload of money back in the late 90s like this, not very profitable now
>> No. 211

Seriously. Take a step back, and look at your plan. When planning a business you need to ask "What service/good can I provide that people need", not just "What service/good can I provide".

People that would know specifically what parts they want, or go about buying non-premade rigs know how to put them together.

Why do they need you?
>> No. 245
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i would suggest starting as small as possible and not spending any money on what you don't have to. maybe build computers for a few friends/family members and charge a fair but profitable price. if that goes well, you can start advertising in your local paper and craigslist and facebook. just try to keep your costs as low as possible and it might work... i wouldnt bother with making a webpage because that will be an expense you dont really need to pay. you could make a facebook page for your business and that should be enough. you should assume that most people dont know much about computers and they will have to trust you to put something together for a fair price. you can gain credibility if people leave feedback on your facebook business page. you will probably want to plan out the parts for a 3 or 4 different types of computers to fit the needs of different types of people. something like a facebook/youtube macine with very minimum gaming capability, a mid range computer with decent hard drive, and a higher end gaming computer, and then something that is top of the line. but again just to to plan all this out and build a computer for a few people you know and see how that goes. if you like it, start advertising and try to grow, and maybe hire 1 or 2 people
>> No. 271
when u create a page make it simple for ppl who do not know mch about custom pc's.

add comparisions to ur page between a prebuilt pc....& how much it will cost if u build a pc with the same spec..
the price diffrence will draw the crowd.

also describe the warrenty on all parts separatly.
>> No. 278
ill give you some advice based on my own personal experience running a bznz for 10 years

sell people problems not solutions
never sell to niggers or jews
lie your ass off, lie about everything
advertise everywhere, to everybody, all the time
never work with women
never get women involved in your business
never let a woman manage your money
never haggle
dont rely on one or two frequent clients
dont close shop when the fish arent biting
never start a business during a bubble
never do anything to benefit others, only yourself
never do favors for customers
start multiple business under different names and pretend they are rival companies to give your customers the illusion of choice
always overcharge and rip people off as much as possible
deliberately leave parts out of your products so they have to buy more
never give refunds
remeber that clients are not your friends, they are your food
overcomplicate everything to confuse the shit out of your customers
do not compete with other businesses
set minimums

and thats all i can think of from the top of my head lol
>> No. 282
I have no clue where you've done business; but its obvious that you're trollin or shit at what you do

My advice to you would be to, if you want to MAKE money is to create a completely new operating software.
Here's why i believe its the only profitable option:
>the computer business is an oligopoly
>You'd be losing money and not getting orders because other trusted companies are already doing it
If you do end up creating your own business of some sort, I highly recommend Amazon and eBay. From my experience, its the best way to do small business online.
-coming from an internet/social media marketing specialist
>> No. 290
lol you do realize that apple and microsoft are the same company right? bill gates has a total monopoly on anything computer. he'll buy out any srs competition

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