No. 245
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i would suggest starting as small as possible and not spending any money on what you don't have to. maybe build computers for a few friends/family members and charge a fair but profitable price. if that goes well, you can start advertising in your local paper and craigslist and facebook. just try to keep your costs as low as possible and it might work... i wouldnt bother with making a webpage because that will be an expense you dont really need to pay. you could make a facebook page for your business and that should be enough. you should assume that most people dont know much about computers and they will have to trust you to put something together for a fair price. you can gain credibility if people leave feedback on your facebook business page. you will probably want to plan out the parts for a 3 or 4 different types of computers to fit the needs of different types of people. something like a facebook/youtube macine with very minimum gaming capability, a mid range computer with decent hard drive, and a higher end gaming computer, and then something that is top of the line. but again just to to plan all this out and build a computer for a few people you know and see how that goes. if you like it, start advertising and try to grow, and maybe hire 1 or 2 people