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38 No. 38
Is anybody here a stock broker? How difficult is it and how much do you make? Advice for aspiring stock brokers?
>> No. 55

I'm not a stock broker, but a friend of mine used to be. He was up to about 80k a year after 2 or 3 years in the business if I recall correctly.

I have no advice for aspiring stock brokers other than get your Series 7 and be persistent.
>> No. 63
I almost became a Broker.

Then I met a Broker and a Prop Trader on the same day.

The Prop Trader trades the company's money. No clients or phone calls, and he usually gets 5-10% of whatever he makes with the companies money.

The Broker trades his client's money. He's on the phone 90% of the time dealing with people and their emotions. He usually only sells what the firm gives him to sell, and he only gets to keep 3 to 5 cents of each share's profits.

The Broker has to work five times as hard; but the Prop Trader has to be five times as smart.

Just learn everything you can about day trading until you're good at it.
>> No. 79
It seems to me that if you have some income investing your own money is quite lucrative if you know what you are doing. My brother (who is a smart motherfucker) read through a couple of those mad money books and is enjoying very big gains off of 2-3 different stocks he watches.
>> No. 109
Not a broker and not in stocks but I am a daytrader. US treasury options.
>> No. 110

How did you get into that? How much start up capital did you need? How much risk is involved? Do you work for yourself or for a company? Do you need a license?
>> No. 114
Do you need high maths to make money with this?
Im new.
>> No. 193
This may be a dumb question but is the only way to get money from stocks is to sell them, or do you get like a check or something?
>> No. 197
there are also dividends

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 201

Pretty much everything is done digitally now.
>> No. 310
I use to make a little money with penny stocks but you have to have a lot of patience and time. Most of them are scams so make a certain % before the scammers make that stock plummet. What I mean by a scam is that people will hype it up so lots of new investors buy and inflate it, then the people who got it dirt cheap at a million shares get out and you lose. I gave it up a few years ago because it's stressful and I never knew when to get out.

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