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351 No. 351
So I am building a website that provides a service to businesses. Let's say this service is fairly easy to provide. I can't help feeling that all I am doing, teaching myself ruby, I'm not really doing anything overly productive. I'm just inventing the wheel here.

For someone with the idea, but not yet the expertise, what are my options? I did the research and found a market. I could hire a competent programmer to build quickly what would take me months. What are going rates? As for funding, how wary is kickstarter about unproven web ventures?

Plan thus far:

1.Raise small amount through kickstarter.
2.Use money to hire designer, as well as cover costs.
>> No. 353
You get what you pay for in the IT world. Be prepared to shell out big bux for decent code with full functionality. You can get code from non anglosphere countries on the cheap, but it's often poorly maintained which means that updates require a complete rewrite and there are often minor but annoying bugs that never get fixed.

As for doing it yourself, it might be easier to use a website design application like MS frontpage, or whatever the trendy new one is called.

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