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  • Blotter updated: 2023-01-12 Show/Hide Show All

File 138419086568.jpg - (39.18KB , 475x333 , 1368517969_asap-rocky-tub.jpg )
350 No. 350
Back when I was an edgy high schooler, and the early part of my college days, I used to walk around with a camera filming asses. I tended to go for the huge ones/curvy types. I kind of still have a thing for BBW and so called 'mega pear' body types, but it's been a few years, and I have better things to do than walk around filming hos.

I have around 30 videos of varying lengths (5-40 minutes) of what I believe to be pretty good quality stuff. I've seen plenty of other people selling candid videos, but most of them are filmed terribly (ie. video moves too fast or is too short, bad quality, nauseatingly jumpy etc.) Instead of just having them sit on my computer, I am thinking about putting them up for sale on clips4sale, or a similair site.

I want to know if it is even worth my time to do so, and if so, what are some things I can do to maximize my chances of making some extra cash. But, really, I'm not expecting to make a lot. Even just a little bit is better than nothing.

Also, if anyone else on here has ever dabbled in amateur/fetish stuff, it'd be interesting to hear about it.
>> No. 369
You're half right, pornographic video is an over saturated market, but private videos of an erotic and/or pornographic nature are steadily rising in value.
>> No. 374
You're not thinking about all the people who don't care to do that and would rather just pay for it., then you have the sort who have specific fetishes and then you have those who simply don't know where to find what they're looking for because they're too embarrassed to type it out. Private and custom videos are huge and will be for a while yet, at lest until holodecks I'd wager.

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