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324 No. 324
Economics has wide applications, from agriculture (supply/demand of water on a micro- level for plants, on a macro- level for gardens..... or a micro- level for gardens, on a macro- level for ecosystems) to behavioral (I can walk around a table to utilize the handgrip of a cup that's faced away from me, or I can reach around the cup to rotate the hand-grip... plasticity of sleeping in...) to countless other things.

And of course also money. Money just gives us a convenient metric for these things. The true conversation is wealth, but that's a lot more difficult to measure. What is utility? How does or doesn't currency accumulation affect our utility? Many coupons and deals build on this, emphasizing the monetary gain by undercutting the temporal/emotional/mental efforts they take.

Here's a thread for the considerations of wealth.
>> No. 332
I would say that minor interactions, such as rotating a cup of coffee, do matter. However they only matter in aggregate, when compiling the set of information available to a population. The value of money is algorithmically derived, given that entire set. Needless to say we expose ourselves to substantial error utilizing this method, which accounts for some being rich and some being poor. But for a species at our level of advancement, we have an adequate compromise.

This method of calculation can be compared to the computing platforms designed using dwarf fortress, where the individual actions are logically accounted for and used to store and manipulate data. Except such a phenomenon occurs in real life, sans intelligent design.

Which begs the question. Why study economics if the population has already made these calculations without intervention, why reinvent the wheel? The answer, is that you my friend, are simply part of the algorithm.
>> No. 392
Imma Minoruse agronomic coordinator for an australian vegetable organisation. I have no problem working on a macro level and a micro level without any economic knowledge. I think you're right, Scrooge. I suspect all the codification of this knowledge only helps computer programmers and autists - often they are the same people too.

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