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318 No. 318
You guys probably get asked this a lot, but since there's no sticky I might as well ask again.

I'm finally financially secure and have a decent amount of savings. Here is a list of my current student loans:

$4,876.47 4.25%
$1,895.54 6.55%
$4,879.19 5.35%
$2,031.09 6.55%
$2,150.65 6.55%
$4,001.09 5.75%
$3,125.72 6.55%

$4,686.50 5.00%

All of the interest rates are fixed as far as I know. Should I start paying off the higher interest loans, or begin putting my money in long term investments? From google, I've gathered that if I can reasonably expect a higher rate of return than the interest on my loans, I should continue to make minimum payments and put extra money into investments. So the question is, can I reasonably expect to make more return than 6.55%?

I'm thinking I should at LEAST pay off the highest interest loans, since a guaranteed return of 6.55% sounds pretty fucking good to me. What do you guys think?
>> No. 320
>I'm thinking I should at LEAST pay off the highest interest loans

This is the logical thing to do. If you can can even a couple of the high interest loans, ie the
$1,895.54 6.55%
$2,031.09 6.55%
$2,150.65 6.55%
loans, since they are not as much as the rest you'll benefit from not having as many different loans to track, your average outgoing interest rate across the board goes down, and in the event that you lose money or are not as profitable as you expect on your investments, then at least some of the more damaging ones have been paid off.

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