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File 135974003136.jpg - (28.31KB , 480x480 , 577230_113153292175424_528024785_n.jpg )
300 No. 300
All right guys I have £20k saved up.

Now my original plan was to open up something simple like an off-licence.
But with me living in a big city which is full of supermarkets I know there isn't much money to be made in that sort of sector.

I actually work in a off-licence close to the clubs and pubs and we are open until 4am and we are doing shit.
And we actually buy some of our stock from the supermarkets as its cheaper to buy it there than the warehouse :/

A few people ive asked IRL about this have told me I should just keep saving up until this recession ends then do something with my money.

So I think I will take some of there advice and just spend like half my money.

So what could I do with say £8-10k

I dont really have any real skills(I dont think I do any way)
I have a car
I work a week on week off,and have access to the internet while I'm in work.
Would prefer trying to do something with my brain than with my hands.

Also hoping this idea could net me say an extra £10k by the end of the year.

no drugs or illegal shit.
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>> No. 302
You should put it all in penny stocks.
>> No. 305

Throwing money into the stock market without knowing what you're doing is a great way to lose all of it.
>> No. 307
File 136149063290.jpg - (30.10KB , 452x339 , thats the joke.jpg )

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 309
>You should put it all in penny stocks.
Nah man, (s)he should put it all in futures market.
>> No. 323
Putting cash into silver or gold is never a bad thing when the economy is tanking, silver dipped back down to near 20.00 US an ounce. Read up on the precious metals market and pick some up. money is just paper gold will always be gold.
>> No. 334
I run my own business and I would be interested in looking into an investment of some sort.

I'm starting out and I need capital to expand. We're looking at doubling your money within two years if my maths are right. Shoot me an email at [email protected] and I'll get you my numbers.

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