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File 135739963633.jpg - (36.87KB , 601x536 , pic.jpg )
279 No. 279
Need about £500,000 in just under 3 years.
Situation is bad, my only skill is in ICT.
Should I start the stock market and if so what would I need to know
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>> No. 280
Sell drugs.
>> No. 281
Unless you get kind of high up in the chain selling drugs doesn't make you nearly as much as you'd thing, and getting higher up into distribution probably takes a lot of luck and time.

OP should maybe try prostitution instead.
>> No. 285
the stock market is not for people who are 500,000 in debt
your best option is to apply for bankruptcy if the uk offers some sort of plan
that or look for help within your government
there is ALWAYS help if you serach hard enough
>> No. 286
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OP here, after looking into it. The debt is my fathers and my mother has a bout £75,000 (single parent who I'm living with)

Anyway he has a pub (That he grew drugs in and got busted) but he still has the land and the pub which he is working on selling the land but it;s my mother that needs help.

TL;DR I need to make about £75,000 asap and I've only ever worked in pubs and I have qualifications in BTEC ICT software development level 3.

So with this information what can I do and what would be a good starting point (Don't say job because I'm trying my hardest to get one but having no luck)

Picture for your troubles.
>> No. 288
If I can save up maybe £5,000 would it be wise to invest in gold when I see it at a low point then sell it later on the in day for a profit? Not sure how all that works or what to do...or even go about finding live graphs and selling it as soon as I buy it :s - OP
>> No. 289
if you are still checking this thread, OP, you could try to make some facebook or iphone game. if it's pornographic even better.
i draw hentai so if you want to work with me post your skype. i'm interested since apple usually do not accept apps developed in my country. i'm willing to accept a 30% profit rate.

can you still sell drugs in the pub? if so, go for it.
>> No. 293
if you are 500k in debt your life is over. you're a slave. you will never pay it off. enjoy your serfdom
>> No. 304
The problem is working out okay now. Might take a few years but it's working out okay

I would but I don't animate =/

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