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272 No. 272
So the mortgage on the house I own just got paid off... I am 20 years old...

I need some advice on what to do now.

I feel like there is some potential here to make money, or to do SOMETHING... Because I am so young and live with parents (they have another house they will move back into when I want to separate) I have no idea how all of this stuff works and what this potentially means for my life.
>> No. 275
You are now in a better position than 90% of 20 year olds. Immediately set aside money for taxes and look for another house to purchase. The money is now yours for the taking.
>> No. 284
second option (harder than above option):
>step 1: Buy new house
>step 2: Rent out paid off house
I knew a guy who was in your position. Now he owns 15 rental properties and 3 bars
>> No. 292
look in the phone book and start a hustle and never get into debt again
>> No. 299
how the fuck
>> No. 325
Stay in the paid off house and max out your tax-sheltered retirement accounts yearly ie 401k etc... You will reduce your taxable income this way and be on your way to an early retirement. Take good care of the house you currently own. If it is too big for just you then rent out some rooms or rent out the house and get a cheap apartment. Use the money you make on renting the home to invest and save a portion of it for repairs.
>> No. 336
maybe get drunk as fu... oh, 20? idk
>> No. 346
Maybe find a small 1 room apartment for yourself and rent out the house depending on how big it is. Or just rent out the rooms to friends for a profit. Fuck, I'm jealous. I live in an apartment so almost a 1/4 of my money goes to rent. Also, anyone here have any experience with buying foreclosed houses?
>> No. 348
This, my friend.
How did you manage to get into such a position when most of your peers are still struggling with education?
>> No. 354
As others have said, get in to the property market. If you can get a mortgage on another house, do so and rent it out at 150% of the mortgage payment, or more if you split it in to student accommodation.

Make sure you look in to it thoroughly though, there is more to being a landlord than owning a house. You need to look up contract law, tenant and landlord rights, your obligation for repairs and most importantly how to deal with things that go wrong.

You're at a crossroads, you can either now live comfortably and securely, having an extra ~£500 a month for yourself compare to other people in your age bracket until you're 60, or you can build a future and a legacy for your offspring. Leave them a house and they'll be set for life. Leave them a booming property empire and their children's children's children's children will be set for life.

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