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File 134938756850.jpg - (6.90KB , 181x128 , Fiverr.jpg )
259 No. 259
Alright guys I have wanted to breathe some life into this board because I have gotten some good advice in the past. Let's talk Fiverr and how I make about 400$ a month with it. I will also answer most questions if you have any. Some of what I do might be considered a bit shady but you can tweak it to make it your own.

Fiverr is a place where people pay to get services for $5. The seller actually gets $4 of that (minus paypal fees) and can cash out the 4$ 2 weeks after a job is completed. $4 may not seem much but the biggest value I find with fiverr is that it's a good way to get new clients. They buy a couple gigs for $5 and if you do a good job some will start paying you directly and cutting out the middleman(fiverr). So even if Fiverr went away I am still in business.

You can sell whatever service you want for $5 but remember that you really don't want to be spending very much time on each gig. I try and keep it to 10 minutes of actual work per gig. But when you make a new one it will take a bit of time before you streamline it so don't be discouraged if it takes longer at first.

What to sell: The things that I find sell the best are SEO services (backlinks etc) and Views/Plays/subscribers etc. Personally I have gotten away from the SEO stuff because the game changes so fast I don't have time to keep up. So today I will talk about Youtube plays as an example.

You can generally sell 500-1000 youtube views for $5. There are sites out there where you can essentially trade views with other people but it is totally automated. For example you click start and it will start viewing youtube videos, for each video you view you earn credits. You can then use those credits to put your own videos in the system to earn views, likes, subscribers etc. You can pretty much set it and forget it (though it's good to check on it once a day because sometimes it will get stuck.) You can run it while you sleep or run it on a spare machine or run it on a VM like I do. If you want to expand from there you just need more IP addresses. I used to run 4 virtual machines at a time each with their own IP and could pump out enough credits to get people thousands of views daily. If I got too many sales I would just buy a few credits and was still making a nice profit.

Step 1: Earn Credits by having you computer look at youtube videos
Step 2: Use credits to get people views on their youtube(or likes or subs)
Step 3: Profit

Why do people want these views you might ask? Most people know they are not "real" but they want to get on the "popular videos" list and things like that. Lot's of views coming it can help them get actual views. Also people tend to respect videos that have more views and likes etc. There are a lot of other reasons but those are just a few.

Keep in mind it's never a 1 to 1 ratio. Youtube also likes to wait a bit before showing all of the views and they don't really count every single one. So test it out on your own videos to get a feel for it. Also I find it best to have multiple resources. Here are the two I use:

Full disclosure, yes these are referral links. They are both free to use but have upgrade options. Even if you use the free versions I get a tiny percentage of the views you earn.

Hitleap: This one is for all types of sites including youtube. You can also use it to get soundcloud plays or just traffic in general.

Megayoutubeviews: Has an application that sits in your system tray and watches YT views.

So there you go. Instead of doing youtube views you could help people improve their Alexa ranking by getting them hits(with Hitleap), or about a million other things. Be creative there are a ton of ways to make money with these two sites alone. If I get a positive response maybe I will regularly give out some ideas. I have been self employed for 5 months now and I want to start helping other people (also the referrals really help me LOL).
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>> No. 315
File 136435575978.jpg - (47.96KB , 500x512 , tumblr_lw3e09aSD31qdzhvfo1_500.jpg )
Hey dude, thanks for this. I think I'll try...

Please give more idea's that would rock.

I used fiver doing quick caricatures for people, but this would be a great way to diversify!
>> No. 342
Thanks for the post. More informative than a lot of other stuff available out there. Really appreciate it.

I've always seen SEO packages for sale on Fiverr. As someone who regularly profits from such a product, would you say that the market is saturated in any way, or is there always room for sellers?
>> No. 376
Thanks man, I sold 500 views for 5$. I'm thinking of upping it to 1000 though, haven't got anymore bites.
>> No. 381
I don't want to do anything to get banned or anything, I'm thinking of switching to facebook likes or youtube views instead of hits, or really in addition to them I suppose. If that doesn't work I'll fire up the ole spam-gland and get to secretin'
>> No. 383
OP here.

The hitleap stuff still works but not so well with youtube these days. It's better for smaller sites like reverbnation or soundcloud.

Lately I have been selling facebook likes when I am short on cash. addmefast.com is good for that. there are scripts where you can earn lots of points then sell likes. sometimes i sell them on craigslist like "Free 50 likes for your band" then once they get the free ones people will pay for more. It's not "quit your job" money but it's money.

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