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210 No. 210
This question relates to money and debt.
So I need money. I applied to this place and they told me that they do a criminal and credit background check.

I am currently owing money for medical bills. That I obviously can't afford.

How serious are credit background checks? I've googled it and have found varying answers.
Any insights?
How fucked am I?
>> No. 212
It's amusing that a company can't reject you because of a medical condition which they have no right to seek records for, but they can refuse to hire you for debt from a medical condition.


I don't understand why your credit history should be a factor for most jobs in the first place. Seems really fucked up to me. You have bad credit, so you can't get a job that would give you the finamcial stability to achieve good credit.

I think Franz Kafka designed our economy.
>> No. 242
I don't know if I personally would use credit checks as an employer, but it seems reasonable enough. An employee with shitty credit is on aggregate probably worse in a lot of relevant categories.

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