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182 No. 182
I was thinking about credit score and that my credit score is bad and I feel bad. I know some of the things I should do about it like regularly deposit money into a savings account and stuff like that, but why don''t we start a discussion about credit scores, how important they are, and what to do with/about them.
>> No. 183
Get a credit card, preferably one sans fees, and don't really use it much at all. So long as you attain and pay off a balance, your credit score will improve. It's better to do this earlier on.
>> No. 184

This is excellent advice. What I do is I have several bills that are deducted automatically. I have those charged to about 3 different credit cards and I pay them every month.

So you add a layer of abstraction to paying your bills, but as long as you don't use them for anything else and you're paying the balance off completely every month you basically have credit building machines working for you.

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