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File 134271747985.jpg - (255.37KB , 800x533 , large.jpg )
178 No. 178
ayo what up.
I'm 20 years old going on 21 soon.
I have chronic wanderlust.
I'm a NEET college dropout. I had a job but hated the feeling of being tied down to a strict work schedule, so I ended up quitting. For all intents and purposes atm I'm a hikikomori.
I have been thinking about getting a job with a traveling carnival. I realize the whole run away to join the circus thing is kind of lame, but it honestly seems like a pretty good option. I'm not scared of being poor, or shitty dirty living conditions.

Anybody have any experience working in a similar field? Any crazy carny stories?
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>> No. 180
I'm truly sorry that your psychological condition prevents you from working.
>> No. 181

Best response.

Though to actually add something on my part to OP you should check out specific carnivals themselves and talk to their management and the people who work there to really see if that kind of work is really right for you. I mean I just don't think you could make a blanket statement about the industry like what you're asking for and have it really be accurate.

If you are serious about it you really need to do the research because I don't think there's a lot of industry standards there and even then there are many types of that kind of thing.

Also you might want to think about using phrases like "NEET" and "hikikomori" less often, just and FYI there.
>> No. 208
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don't do that unless you have some special kind of talent or something and can actually act for people to watch, well enough for people to pay money to watch you do it.

i've worked fairs and stuff, you'd be trading in 'a strict work schedule' which you at least have the chance of not being around many people (depending) to certainly working with many people all at once (not great for a 'hikikomori' menality) , with stress comparable to working at a fast food restaurant, and then shoveling animal crap after everyone leaves. strict hours would be replaced by unbearably shitty long hours and no certain benefits. the fairs that aren't temp jobs through a temp job industry are fucking shady.

if you opt out of shoveling animal crap or dealing with droves of people you're doing setup or takedown and those fucking rides have almost killed friends of mine. they're dangerous and no one gives a shit about helping you lift more than you can handle, you get a hard hat and the word "go" and you will be let go if you're not fast at what you do.

(that's before what i assume would be truly shitty living conditions. i don't know about that. i've never traveled with these things.)

your best bet is to either get in with a huge commercial carnival type thing like cirque du soliel or grow the fuck up and try to at least get a security job at night so you can do nothing except jack off and eat donuts in front of monitors from 12-8am.

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