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156 No. 156
Is it worth it to have a college degree?
How about a state college where the state is infamous for poor quality education?
>> No. 157
If this belongs in ask please move it there.
>> No. 162

I can't definitively answer that question for you, but I can tell you that in most cases it doesn't make sense financially.

I draw the line at student loans. If you can complete your degree without taking out loans, I say go for it and make the best of it. If you have to take out loans for your degree, then it is, in most cases, not worth it at all.

Student loan debt is the worst kind of consumer debt since it can't be discharged in a bankruptcy (in the U.S. at least). The thing you have to ask yourself is how much more money will you make based on having your degree? In most cases the answer is not enough to justify the interest you'll pay on your loans.

Most fields (excluding medicine and a couple others) can be self-taught for a fraction of the cost of college.

If you're industrious and make sure companies know that you're willing to work hard and eager to learn you'll have a hard time not being employed.
>> No. 163
'bout to get my degree in molecular biology. im about 5 k in debt because i bought a lot of lsd and weed with the scholarships i had and ended up messing up my gpa enough to lose out on one of my merit scholarships.

ill pay it all off by the end of the year because i networked and gave a shit as opposed to just going to class and getting high (I only did that in my lower level classes, once shit got real I was a good student.)
>> No. 170
it is good to get involved in IT and you don't have to get a degree, but you can get certifications instead. if you can get a little experience you could be on your way to a good career without a degree

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