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140 No. 140
This is a pretty open question, but, how can I make some fat stacks with art? I'm a decent illustrator and have been freelancing on and off for a few years. However, I can never get much work so my yearly profits are dismal. The problem with the industry as a whole is that there are tons of people willing to work for free or next to nothing, so I think a good route would be to have some kind of business on the side. I'm wondering if there are any places / business ventures I could get into to monetise my skills?

A couple of ideas I have are: selling t-shirt designs on Threadless. And a custom greeting card generator, as the ones already out there have awful artwork and are fairly limited with what you can do.

Lama unrelated
>> No. 150

How do you make a small fortune in art? Start with a large one.

You're going to have a really tough time making money as an artist. I wish I could offer you some sure fire way of getting paid doing art, but it just doesn't exist. You basically have to be incredibly gifted and lucky at the same time in order to really make money with it.

Your t-shirt and card ideas are good ones that you should pursue.

That said, you're never going to get rich by being an artist, so if it's money you want, start saving and learn to invest.
>> No. 209
Make money off twisted porn commissions, mlp porn is big bucks right now, seriously.
>> No. 260
There's tons of people doing it for free/ very little money because they are either trying to gain customers and have more people know about them or it's a hobby for them and they enjoy doing it.

My brother used to do photoshop when he was about 14, he posted a load of his photos on a photoshop site just because he liked using photoshop and without any effort got paid £20 by a musician who wanted to use one of his photos as an album cover.

Basically i think you need to get your work out to as many people as possible and maybe be willing to do some free work for a while until you get well known and try and use the internet to get yourself known, flickr, twitter, tumblr, whatever you can to get yourself known, theres plenty of websites for posting your art, or pretty much anything you do. I know this one girl who's got 17million reads on one of her books on this post your book website.
>> No. 268
this. you don't know how many people actually live of drawing furry pr0nz.
>> No. 283
Offer classes to noobs on craigslist.
If i lived in your city i'd totally sign up.
I'm good at the business side of marketing but shit at the design part.
>> No. 291
1. paint pictures
2. die
3. ???
4. profit

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