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138 No. 138
Im going to sale things online I find in vintage and thrift stores
But first I need to sale wholesale item to kick me off strong, what do you suggest
and what should I do to keep paypal from pulling dime from my asshole and colon?
>> No. 142
There really isn't any way to avoid paypal fees anymore. ebay and paypal are the same company, and you're required to offer an electronic payment method to sell on ebay, and since paypal is the most widely used method of payment by about 9999 to 1, offering any other service is going to kill your sales or fuck you up when people try to send you payment via paypal (ebay has helpfully set up everything to default to paypal payment no matter what you do) and you don't accept it, and other electronic payment services have fees of their own, so you really can't win, even if you're not selling on ebay and have an amazon account or your own website, you're going to have to offer an electronic payment method and the terms for getting a merchant account and fees from visa amex or mastercard are even worse

so basically they have your nuts in a vice with an effective monopoly on online payments for auction sites and they know it.

there are about a billion things you can make money on selling online with a high margin, but when I need to make a grubstake fast, nothing beats hitting up the local yard sales this time of year and talking people out of gold and silver

it can still be done

good luck, it's wicked competitive out there with everyone trying to find things to sell online since they can't get jobs
>> No. 145
what wholesale items do you guys recommend?
>> No. 149

>the terms for getting a merchant account and fees from visa amex or mastercard are even worse

I work in merchant services and I usually tell my clients that use paypal that it's not worth switching to our service until you have about 10k/mo volume. Before then the cost is roughly the same, but once you get about 10k a month we become radically cheaper. Also, we offer way better service than PayPal.

I could go on for hours about how much I hate PayPal, but it's not related to the thread so I'll just say if your monthly volume gets up to a consistent 10k you should get a merchant account because it will be cheaper than PayPal and offer better service if you pick the right company.

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