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101 No. 101
What would one do if they had a spending problem?

I've only had a job for a year now, my payslip tells me that I've been paid around $20000 since the time I've been there and I have (b)nothing(/b) left of it.

I sit here and think of all the stuff I've bought with it.. At least $1000 has been smoked either from cigarettes or weed. Everything else has just gone towards mainly.. rent.. food.. clothes and useless shit.. I bought myself an iPhone 4S when that came out, but that's really the biggest spending I've done in an entire year. Maybe bought myself a DVD or a CD every month or so. Diced out a couple of dollars for home (duvet, vacuum, kitchen shit, etc).

That $20000 is gone and all I've got to show for it is an iPhone. Unlike most company's, mine pays me fortnightly instead of weekly. So you can imagine:


-see's that pay has gone into account-
-drives to mall-
-splashes out most of pay-
-leaves only enough to (b)just(/b) survive on until next payday-

How can I stop this obsessive spending?
>> No. 103

Start keeping track of everything. I keep a series of notebooks for all of my accounts as well as my expenses and income. Any time money moves through my hands it gets written down in at least two different spots, not including monthly and quarterly reports. That's a little intense, and an awful lot of work for most people, so I'd suggest that you look into quicken or something similar to start. Learn a bit of accounting, like how double entry bookkeeping works, and start applying that to your finances.

That said, it sounds to me like what you're really concerned with is saving some cash for a rainy day and the way to do that is pick a number (5% or 10% or 20%, whatever you can manage) and start taking that right off the top of your paycheck the same way that taxes are done. You'll want to open a money market savings account in a place where you won't look at it frequently. The idea is that you forget about the money once it's in your savings acct.

So, for example, your paycheck at 20k a year bi-weekly after taxes will be about $576.92, if you were to start saving 10% of that you'd take 57.69 off the top before any other spending happens and put it in a savings account where you'll forget about it. Now, that doesn't sound like a lot, but keep in mind this happens every two weeks, that's 26 times a year. So, if you can do this for a whole year, you'll have about $1500 squirreled away and hopefully earning ~1% interest. And that's not a whole lot, but it's better than nothing. If you get into this habit now, and make it just a part of your way of life, you'll find yourself in 3-4 years with $10-20k in the bank asking /money/ what the fuck to do with your savings so you can make money off of it.

Hope that helps.

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