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  • Blotter updated: 2015-09-02 Show/Hide Show All

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186 No. 186
I'm bi and in the middle of last year I decided to explore the other side of my sexuality. since then i've gotten a serious boyfriend and we've been living together for the last five months. we've been through alot of the motions like me coming out to my parent and telling them that were together. ended up being disowned, but that dosen't really bother me. things are cool though but we don't really have sex much. part of it, he says is because we dont use a condom and that i ask for it too much, and the other part is that he cant take my size. so for the most part we just grind against each other and i rub off in between his legs. ive tried to remedy the situation in a number of ways but nothing seems to work. i've tried to not ask for it so much and let him initiate it but then weve just ended up having less and less sex. ive offered to be on the bottom multiple times but he's refused. Ive tried just being straight out with him but he always goes on the defensive and nothings getting any better. I love him and i know our relationship is about more than just sex but i think its still an important part and i still want to do it. any ideas?

P.S. it's going on about a little longer than 3 weeks since the last time we had sexnow and im loosing my mind.
>> No. 187
He's getting some from somebody...
Time to move on.

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