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File 137231509736.gif - (469.20KB , 214x185 , cats washing clothes.gif )
5 No. 5
aww cool i get to be the first mothafucka to post in this board
>first lego set
>what age
>do you still have it?
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>> No. 6

I'm considering blowing £1,000 or so on legos in the near future to try and reclaim some of the childhood I never had.
>> No. 7
Sounds like a plan.
Will these be brand new legos or sets from the 90s?
>> No. 9

New, but only the basic sets, none of this "build a TIE Fighter - here's how" stuff. Just boxes and boxes of jumbled pieces.
>> No. 10
I always got the cool lego sets and then used them to build whatever the fuck i wanted. They have cool special pieces that the normal 'here some fucking blocks' sets don't have.
>> No. 11
I liked the basic sets, it lets you be more creative. But they do have the car or truck or city block sets, I liked those as well as the bucket play sets never really give you enough wheels or special parts to play with.
Typically when I got those 'build this' sets I built them up once and played with them as is, but seeing as how you can't really play with a tie fighter all that much with other lego, I took it apart and built other things with the pieces.

Talking about lego brought the smell of them to my mind.
I wonder if anyone will make a new lego smell air freshener.

Actually just talking about it makes me want to go out and buy some lego.
>> No. 14
File 137275878078.jpg - (120.28KB , 600x800 , lego_6080_front_s.jpg )
The old King's Castle.
I was 7. My dad helped me put it together, and he liked it almost as much as I did. I still remember him saying, "I would have given my right arm for a toy like this when I was your age." It was undoubtedly the greatest toy I ever possessed. It came with tons of minifigs and a working portcullis and drawbridge.
>> No. 24
File 137778494330.jpg - (57.28KB , 800x532 , immagine_027.jpg )
This was probably my first lego set. I must have been 5 or 6, don't really remember it that well. In retrospect I realize that I never build this correctly. To bad I gave all my lego stuff away when I was 14 (got minecraft instead now, don't worry about it).
>> No. 37
File 139612856895.png - (295.36KB , 537x387 , Black_Falcon's_Fortress.png )
The line of my memory is blurred regarding my first set. I'm pretty sure, in fact, that I received my first LEGO set before my last set of DUPLO. It was, in all probability, one of those generic parts collections that came in a blue tub with a set of instructions and decals for building any number of various "City" LEGO creations. The first set that I actually recall receiving as a gift, however, is Black Falcon's Fortress. To this day, I still find it to be an appealing set, if for no other reason than that it contains a single "castle wall block" of Bavarian architectural style, as opposed to the standard stone-and-mortal style block.
>> No. 38
>>37 here again.

I think it's a curiosity worth noting for those who missed out on my generation's LEGOs that the castle's of my era were built, not on a base-plate, but on 1/3-thickness slats. They were hinged and opened along the backside from a 1x2 Technic-style hole-block-and-pin. The great thing about that was that it meant, as you amassed more castles, you could easily connect them to create a massive castle wall set.
>> No. 42
Hell no. Nobody wants to be the guy that brings his big LEGO set to a friend's place and then loses one of the pieces. "Bringing LEGOs to a friend's place" consisted of my friends and I bringing a minifig or two to each others houses, just to have the appropriate character to play as.
>> No. 44
>Part of life is learning that the shit you spent time on will deteriorate and fall apart if it isn't watched carefully and repaired.

I guess some of us are faster learners than others.

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