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File 139621007855.jpg - (90.00KB , 270x270 , Pokémon_Red.jpg )
39 No. 39
I'm not necessarily hep to what's popular with "the kids" nowadays, but my understanding is that Pokémon is still vaguely popular. The fact that when I typed the name, just now, it auto-corrected for the accent over the "e" is proof enough. There's no substitute, in my mind, for the original though.

When I was a but youngster of 15, self-consciously considering myself "too old" for such things by the measure of my peers (it wasn't worth talking RPG with people in those days, defending the merits of Pokémon, when FF7 was king), I walked 4 miles to the local Meijer to pick up my pre-ordered copies of Red and Blue. I played the hell out of those games on my old two-toned GameBoy brick.

What was your first Pokémon game, and what have you done you do to Catch 'Em All?
>> No. 47

in all likely hood the battery inside the game cart failed long ago.
>> No. 48
If he uses it as a coaster for piss bottles maybe, but if it's well cared for then I doubt it. My own Pokémon Red & Blue carts still work flawlessly. Even if his battery is toast, he can probably replace it with some type of watch battery (just as an NES cart battery can be replaced with a CR2032) and start from scratch. Maybe that's not the "closure" he's looking for, but a full run through the game can be more fun that the tedious chore of hunting down all the Pokémon (something he can't do without both carts anyway).
>> No. 49
mine was Yellow Version, and then I got Crystal. since then I've tended to only pick up the "3rd version" for any generation of PKMN games due to the chances of encountering any and all PKMN available for that gen in the game.
>> No. 51
Only the ones that allow you to save your game.
>> No. 57
My first pokemon game was the trading card game. I once stole a card someone dropped during a game. I feel the shame till this day...but gotta catch em all right?

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