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File 137271790279.jpg - (69.64KB , 400x405 , Imagination.jpg )
12 No. 12
What kind shit did you do when you played pretend?

My friends and I used to pretend we were Pokemon trainers on a journey in a region the size of whichever neighborhood we were currently at. We eventually moved on to Digimon because it was "cooler" and "more mature". On my own, I'd pretend I was the leader of some private military group, ranging from an independent "special forces squad" to massive armies capable of fighting multiple fronts, in a war against some sort of "evil" (usually America and/or some group like the Illuminati or Bilderberg).
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>> No. 13
>Illuminati or Bilderberg

Damn anon, that's fantastic! How did you even hear about them when you were a kid?
>> No. 15
We used to play 'The Anything Game'. Playfighting while pretending to be any character from anything anywhere. Basically, Super Smash Bros. Imagination.

There was a lot of argument about what your character could and could not do, everyone at some point wanted to cheat and say they had some immunity or resistance to something, or some ability or power.
>> No. 16
Pokemon and smash bros. I remember one debate we were trying to argue if you can throw kirby out of rock-form.
>> No. 18
I didn't, my enemies just happened to be organized and operate in a way similar to either of those groups (or really any of the conspiracy theorists' usual suspects). I didn't actually learn about either until I was about 12 or 13; then I thought I was hot shit because I totally knew about these super secret, super real groups before learning that they actually existed.
>> No. 26
File 138431339627.jpg - (18.61KB , 450x315 , wp044[1].jpg )
My and my neighbor friend used to pretend to be spies all the time, I always asked for all the coolest new spy toys and we would spy on my parents through windows and shit.
>> No. 45
Keep the change, ya' filthy animal. I grew up down the street from the original Home Alone house. Neglectful parents were definitely the norm. Either neglectful, or unbelievably over-involved.
>> No. 52
I still have my talkboy in my attic somewhere.
>> No. 59
I'm down, but bear in mind that many of the things that were cute back then could get us arrested these days.

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