No. 3583
ID: 0bd291
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Okay then. I'll have my friend help me take some NICEr photos and I'll get them to you guys as soon as possible.
In case anyone is wondering, I have a collection of wigs and I'm working on building it further, and also collecting circle lenses.
My goal is to be able to rock a different look every week, and between dying my hair, changing my eye color/hair style, style of clothing, as well as rocking different kinds of makeup, I want to be a different person whenever possible.
If anyone has any requests, don't be afraid to ask. I'm more than willing to buy new wigs, outfits, and change up my face.
And I post whatever I want on facebook. I don't change the way I talk, look, or act, depending on who I am and am not around. People learn to either go with it, or go away.
All but maybe two of my friends either don't even notice, or just don't care if I floozy it up.
I'll post a few pics of me in different wigs/makeup and let you guys have a better idea of what I can provide.