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467 No. 467
Dear sirs,

Browsing through the threads, I find there to be an idea that has yet to be developed which in a way, saddens me as such a thing wasn't brought up prior. If it was, please pardon my ignorance and carry on with your day.

Here I what I suggest. How about one would seek shelter from the daily mondane life and chit-chat with fellows of our ilk? Yes, I am talking about how one would go about having a dedicated IRC channel made specifically for /gent/lemen of this refined establishment? I do understand that this refuge has seen better days and could receive more visitors but I do declare that a common chit-chat salon would be a nifty idea.

Here is how I envision it. The same rules that applies here should apply on this channel such as polite discussion in a refined manner and where topics of a gentlemanly relevance should be the order of the day. Of course, any ruffians who's ill will encourages them to entrude on our turf and spit profanity in public should immediately get the boot.

I sadly lack of the technical know-how on how to start and maintain such an idea, however. I would nonetheless like to see this project come to fruition. Again, if such a thing already exist, pardon my naivete. In any case, I would encourage any fellow that knows of such existing channel to link me to it immediately and I will try to be on my best behavior.
>> No. 474
Capital idea my good man!
I however see no good reason why we must limit ourselves to an IRC channel, like some form of cavemen.
There are a plethora of alternatives that easily lend themselves to even those least familiar with the inner workings of the interwebs.
May I suggest you invest an afternoon in investigating technologies such as Skype, Kakaotalk, telegraph (a new, secure technology, I assure you), and others. I am sure you will quickly find something simple to use that adequately suits our needs.
Once you do, please don't hesitate to share your findings and we shall see you on the new medium.
Though I would implore us all to return here when we can to keep the old club alive. It holds some deep, cherished memories for us all, I am sure.

In great anticipation,
Sir Richard Rump Esq

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