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No. 429
I recently got into an MBA program. Posts on forums report that a MBA isn't going to actually teach you anything so reputation and networking opportunities should be your primary concern.
Just about anyone can get into any MBA course in Australia with just about any degree from an aussie uni. Apparently MBA is ALL about pedigree. Look at the US; anything less than the top 5-8 business schools, and you might as well not bother wasting your $100k. Australia may not be as bad, but I turned it down cause I didn’t get into a really good program. Has anyone here ever been through gentleman tier education of any kind, MBA or otherwise?
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>> No. 431
If anyone is curious, this article was the final stake in the coffin for me: >http://www.smh.com.au/executive-style/management/blogs/management-line/are-mbas-overrated-20100827-13v9u.html
>> No. 432
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I am working towards a geology degree, but that is not very gentlemanly.
>> No. 433
There are no gentlemen here in the US, but I hold a masters degree here.
MBA is for bullshit artists and salesmen. Don't get me wrong, some people make it work for them. A masters in economics would be the not-bullshit version of the MBA; you would receive more respect and better work.

At least in the US, part of the gentlemen tier education involves teaching introductory classes to freshmen. If this is the case for you, then fucking lots of 18yo girls under your authority should be your primary concern.
>> No. 437
But isn't bullshit artistry the essence of business?

Its not unethical, I mean, if i see a baby eating candy, I know that baby didnt earn it, i work hard, i deserve that candy, so i snatch that shit. I feel that if a baby can't devote the time to securing it's candy, it deserves to have that candy stolen!

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