No. 40
Dear me sir, what a harrowing experiance.
As for myself, I am a confirmed homosexual, and have gained several tales of gentlemanly conduct during carnal relations. For instance, after performing the act of fellatio on my then-bedroom companion, I was careful as to how I expressed my dissatisfaction at his rather unfortunate tendancy to wrench at my coiffure whilst I was engaged in his pleasure. Despite my gentle conduct, he took the news rather heavily, and was adamant that it was I that was in error. Similarly, when we indulged in the act of sodomy, I found myself again displeasured by his less-than-tactful approach and entry. Upon his climax, he completely lost interest in me, and our sessions would oft leave me unfinished and frustrated.
I was not overly concerned when he decided to break off our arrangement. One would advise that others seeking a sexual partner to speak with the prospective partner's former lovers with regard to their talent in the lustful dances of the night before embarking upon physical relations.