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File 135361459056.jpg - (326.78KB , 554x698 , 6ny45yh65.jpg )
291 No. 291
I cannot recall exactly when this took place, but I do recall having an ongoing conversation about the tea leaf and it's various forms. So my fellow gentleman, why don't we revive our unfortunately lost endeavor on the subject anew?

Speaking for myself, I enjoy a nice cup of Earl Grey or the Green Tea, but I'm also quite partial to more exotic citrus flavors such as Peach or Pomegranate tea. To be absolutely honest with you gentleman, the only tea I've found myself utterly opposed to is Cinnamon Tea. I do enjoy a good Cinnamon Roll or even Cinnamon sprinkled over a toasted piece of bread, but my taste buds simply shudder at the thought of Cinnamon Tea.

Any who, that is my own opinion on the matter and it would be an understatement to say I'm merely curious about your own preferences and experiences with the Tea Leaf.
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>> No. 293
File 135440703372.jpg - (91.96KB , 295x500 , roodypoos.jpg )
Good sir,

I take much pleasantry in suggesting a fine African Red Tea, of my own preference. It has sufficed from morning until the hollow of night. I submit to you:

Roodypoo tea.
>> No. 323
I do hope that it is unnecessary to remind us all that, bagged tea is the tea of the lower class and not suited for the esteemed.

I favor a good Loose leaf Yunnan tea and the traditional Matcha of Japan.
>> No. 325
I have been recently acquinted with the green Sencha tea from Japan and I must say it deserves all the praise it gets.

As for this fellow >>323, I do see your point in which prepared tea bags ruins the experience if a bitter coffee filter taste intrudes on the drink and ruins the experience. I must insist, however, very good quality drinks exists even when bagged. I do recall once going to a store where they made ''homemade tea'' bags and it included lots of real dried fruits and herbs. It was by far the greatest tea experience I had.

Therefore I must insist, do not be so quick to condemn the bag. It might contain a treasure.
>> No. 333
I find mint and nettle tea with a spoon of honey suits my tastes quite well. Though not terribly strong, it has a light, fresh aroma and reminds one of a pleasant summer breeze.
>> No. 334
I must agree with >>325
I have had many a good cups of Assam brewed from a bag. I'm not sure, but I think they now use some sort of a plastic to make the bags. Regardless, I rarely am distracted by the taste of coffee filter. The kind of paper filters used for tea are much finer.
>> No. 338
If anyone cares to know the secret to making perfect chai tea, i will reveal the secret of this amazing brew.

Firstly, it is important to put together the ingredients of said tea with care. If the tea boils for too long the milk and water will turn to spoil and this magical concoction will be ruined. This recipe was handed down to me by an Indian family I once worked for and I have made it on numerous occasions.

3 quarts of water
1.5 quarts of milk
4 heaping tablespoons of Assam
3-6 cloves
about 4 cinnamon sticks, powder will also work
1 teaspoon of ground cardamon powder
2 tablespoons of ginger puree or a few nice sized chunks

-brew all of this together without the ginger on a medium to large flame
-when the brew starts to foam at the top reduce flame to simmer
-add ginger and let simmer for less than five minutes
-don't let it foam at the top too much or else milk will burn
-take a strainer and cheese cloth and strain into desired pot or pitcher. (A coffee filter may work in lieu of cheesecloth)
-this makes almost a dozen cups or so
-enjoy the magical goodness of this tea and remember the days of yonder lore when fine gentlemen such as ourselves would gather with pipe and fine tea. Careful, assam has quite a bit of caffeine!

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