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183 No. 183
Good evening gentlemen, I have recently made a startling observation I feel obligated to share. Whilst walking or riding my bicycle down a street or trial I commonly pass people, and to acknowledge them I give them the customary head nod. Instead of waving or saying "hello" I smile and bow, from the neck up. My good men understand what this means for they smile and nod back, but women, they seem not understand. They either look away or smile clumsily…
Gentlemen, why is it that we understand this head bow?
>> No. 184
We understand it from the old Bogart and Eastwood and Wayne films.
>> No. 187
The gentler sex is frail of mind and does not understand things quickly outside their sphere of knowledge. It goes back to our pre history where physical body structure evolution slowes and our mental evolution began. men were hunters and women were gatherers. Men needed to be more aware to find things and therefore we pick up on little things quicker and "roll with it" as it were, like greetings. whereas women have evolved to be more focused on things to understand that they got the right plants and not poison, making things they don't know or understand right away as foreign to them, its as though you were greeting them in swahili.

This is of course not true for every woman, but a "majority" which falls suit with why most women don't understand the head bow.
>> No. 191
Good sir, I would like to point your attention to a philosophy of mine; "shit happens" that is all.
>> No. 208
what an intriguing proposition sir! I must say, I rather do agree with you.
>> No. 420
What it comes to is a simple gesture of respect. A nod says to fellow, "I see you and respect your space." A return nod says, "Thank you for acknowledging me and respecting my space. I do the same for you, dear sir." A passing nod to a gentleman is seen as respectful. Mind you, a gentleman's actions are what make a gentleman.
>> No. 422
Without being melodramatic, I suppose this nod may be a sort of salute shared by gentlemen from the days of old. I wonder if it has continued uninterrupted from centuries back or if it has merely been revived by young men of our era.
>> No. 425
probably seems too much like you're checking them out but super obviously
>> No. 428

Our custom is not there's, but they are none-the-less civilised

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