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File 133827647618.jpg - (21.35KB , 210x140 , marijuana%20pipe.jpg )
155 No. 155
Good morrow my fine gents. I bring before you a query which hath baffled me. I am formally aware that the use of tobacco is a gents way and is quite enjoyed by many. Is it gentleman like to consider the "greener" varriety of smokable products. I know the ruffians who you must confront to obtain this product are often rude and less gent like. I am wanting to soeak to my fellow gents as to what we should deem fit about this. I must also mention that i and woefully sorry if a similar conversation hath appeared before.
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>> No. 156
And a good morrow to you, sir.

I have recently made aquaintance with a most respectable gentleman who has been able to supply me with the some of the finest quality hashish that I have ever sampled. I find that it goes most amazingly with a nice cup of mugwort and chamomile tea.

If you push your way far enough through the ruffians, you will most probably find a respectable gentleman such as yourself who you are able to deal with. Or at least, one more respectable than the ruffians with whom you first met.
>> No. 157
Who amongst us has not enjoyed the bittersweet embrace of the green fairy at least once before? Many a lonesome night it has helped me leave my woes behind for long enough to find some rest and sleep. Not to mention, it is a very pleasant experience when shared with those closest to you (friends, not family, mind you. Although I would not be the one to judge you were you to enjoy it with your family, as I've done it in the past).
>> No. 163
A fine gent of any sort may partake in the roast of the green fairy now and again as he pleases
>> No. 169
I have enjoyed the company of the green fairy many a day and night before, yet my current hunt for a form of employment has left me unable to partake. It saddens me that there are methods for which one can extract proof of use out of a gentleman's urine, so I must find an employer who does not partake in such hogwash before I am able to meet my old green mistress once more.
>> No. 178
File 133995604298.jpg - (93.18KB , 240x320 , outdoor-marijuana-bud-3.jpg )

Why not grow your own, good air? With any bit of luck, you live in a state where medical cannabis is sanctioned. Being the fine gentleman you are, you must certainly own at least a small plot that gets more than enough sunshine in the moons of summer and fall.

Not only is the green fairy more than healthy for one's mind and body, but also a blessing upon our fine, green Earth. And what better place to enjoy the seasons than in a garden, full of fragrant herbs and flowers?

So, please, befriend a green-thumbed gentleman from your neck of the woods and ask him to teach you one of the finer things in life: how to grow connoisseur-grade cannabis. You won't be sorry.

Godspeed and good luck my brother!
>> No. 179

Excuse my typo. It must be known that i meant to say, "sir" and not "air". Good day then!
>> No. 185
>> No. 202
The stigma surrounding cannabis is undeserved, as is it's reputation for being a pursuit of deviants and miscreants.
Many in my social circle partake of it, and among those in my social circle I count two lawyers and three doctors, two of whom hold masters degrees, a third has earned his doctorate. The remainder, myself included, possess bachelors degrees (I actually have two) and are quite successful.
Popular music and culture have glamorized a seedy aspect of cannabis (pun not intended), but it is a substance that transcends socio-economic lines.
>> No. 397
Opium and marijuana were respected under Victoria's reign...she even liked them herself from time to time.
Things were different then. Gentlemen where common place, not ushered into niche corners of the radio web...sorry I must roll my self another
>> No. 413
I love smoking tobacco. I've smoked normal pipe tobacco but I prefer Middle Eastern pipe tobacco, called Dokha. It translates to "dizziness" it has an extremely high nicotine content so when you get a good lungful and let it out you get the best head buzz ever and it only lasts for about five to ten minutes. I get mine here: http://www.medwakh.com/

If you are looking into it and are going to buy I can recommend some really good blends.
>> No. 426
Come now sir, let's not be withholding the good stuff
>> No. 427
I played this game at a gentlmans club recently. Does anyone know what it's called? Someone says a statement and they say that there is something about the way they said it that indicates a secret rule or pattern, and then other players have to guess what the statement is and if they get it, they have to not disclose it but follow the rule themselves. And the remaining people keep going until the last person figures it out. And its usually something dumb like instead of what you expect, the rule is a cough before the statement.
>> No. 481
William Shakespeare himself was known to partake of cannabis and Shakespeare was a quintessential gentleman.

While I know that the lower proletarians have popularized, and I daresay, profaned this glorious herb, it still calms the nerves and invigorates the spirit in a manner far superior to alcohol.

Enjoy hemp products if you wish, just don't expect all other gentleman to understand. I daresay, if you enjoy your gentlemanly status with finer chaps and landed gentry, it's best to abstain from talking of cannabis.

In the minds of most, it still makes you a hoodlum or ruffian to consume cannabis. Also make sure that you don't associate with hoodlums any more than necessary.

In procuring the glorious herb I may associate with some unsavory types, but these are not people I'd associate with for any other reason...

I feel some of these hoodlums embrace "pot culture" because they wouldn't have an identity otherwise. These are the worst type of proles.

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