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File 133267648229.jpg - (74.26KB , 825x651 , MarDie104.jpg )
106 No. 106
What type of adult material does the gentlemen of this establishement enjoy?

Pardon the direct introduction of this question. At the risk of sounding like a ruffian, I thought of asking this question because there is no way that a proper sir never succombed to the pleasures of the flesh in solo.

I personally prefer a madam with a generous chest or derriere as far as adult entertainement goes. Between the two, your humble servant prefers an abundant pair of breasts than a behind. I think the feminity of a damsel resides in her mammeries and in the way they are presented. A fine fellow once remarked that a co-worker of ours had a delectable bossom. Initially, I just was indifferent about his remark but upon inspection, he was correct since hers was quite as generous than her cleavage. I also have this preference for promiscuous women who satisfies many men at the same time. Although, I would not be pleased if a madam I would share a relationship with would do such a scandaleous thing.

Therefore, my good friends, what is your preferred type of adult entertainement?
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>> No. 112
Good sir, while your enquiry is well received among fine gentlemen of worldly character, I must express a degree of grievance regarding the quality of grammar and spelling present in your attempt at tackling this contentious issue. These simple grammar and spelling errors have surely revealed your character as a poorly educated and footloose variety of chronic masturbator. Regardless of presentation, I find your tastes ungentlemanly and an affront to the delicate and near ineffable nature of the passion that resides within true gentleman. I personally prefer tastefully photographed and similarly endowed oriental ladies of similar endowment, however I am not referring to endowment with gobfuls of phallus as per your post, sir. Due to your gentlemanly appearance being an obvious ruse, I would respectfully request that the moderators of this fine establishment remove your posting privileges for an uncertain tenure. Good day.
>> No. 113
I apologise for the condition of this post, as I was using a mobile device while under duress.
>> No. 129
My dear Sirs,

I feel the need to add my own opinion to this topic. I tend to find material that has been drawn to be more pleasing since it tends to be cleaner and the artist can do what he pleases. Within that category, I enjoy seeing love being expressed between two or more women, often times with male and female genitalia.

I do hope that I am not judged for my preferences since I would not do such things to any of you, my fellow gentlemen. We all have our own unique tastes.
>> No. 130

Ho-hum, I see I am not the only one who enjoys a nice piece of hand-drawn adult material. I prefer that of a Japanese origin. Certainly I would not think to judge your character based on your sexual interests. My tastes simply differ from yours in that I prefer a more innocent, heterosexual coupling.

In terms of adult material of the third dimension, my tastes remain quite similar. I have distaste for material which depicts the female being shamed, abused, or handled poorly. I also abstain from material where the females have augmented breasts, for I find that of poor taste.
>> No. 131
My fine fellows,

Is it unbecoming of a gentleman if he enjoys adult material involving females of a questionable age?

I do sometimes enjoy watching picture shows with women that are currently enrolled at a university, but would watching females younger than that unbecoming of a gentleman?

It is but a simple inquiry, nothing more.
>> No. 132

I must say, my good fellow, that you are treading over a creaky bridge with that particular interest. It all depends therefore on how "questionable" these young women are. If they are of the age of legal consent in your jurisdiction and are simply baby-faced and lightly-endowed, I see no problem. However, if the females in question are younger, especially much more so, than the age of consent in your jurisdiction, I must question your tastes, dear friend.
>> No. 134
One must confess a leaning toward interactive animation, though my prefence in format is hampered somewhat by my discerning nature and sexuality lead to satisfactory material of that nature being few and far between.

A second would be hand-drawn, in the Oriental inkwork tradition, far superior to more modern methods, which fail to grasp the motion and energy of sexual acts.
>> No. 136
I rather enjoy laying eyes upon some wanton lass with a manhood up her backside, ahem.
>> No. 151
I feel I must interject on behalf of said "Original Poster". I sir, would take issue with your rather over-indulgence in the use of the word 'endowed' ; especially as many as thrice in one expressed thought. Either your own upbringing betrays you, or surely this conversation piece has too addled your constitution for more cultured discussion.
>> No. 170
File 133894782364.jpg - (20.54KB , 262x300 , The man from Harlem.jpg )
Fine sir, it is perfectly within a gentleman's character to admire beauty in all of its forms. I think if one were to say that there is no objective beauty in the nubile forms of more sophomoric damsels, then one's proposal is poppycock. If I may be so bold; my recent liaisons with lasses much my junior have been mutually and quite intimately rewarding. This does not however negate the point of this fine sir >>132 that such an interest demands a gentleman be of impeccable judgement. Further, might I add, it behooves one to be all the more humble, tactful, and duty-bound to protect the interest of their mistress lest her naïveté serve to you mutual and most poisonous detriment. But such is the gentleman's burden.

An unrelated photograph, but a consummate gentleman none the less.

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