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133 No. 133 hide quickreply [Reply]
Gentlemen, I must ask, what do you and your usual company find enjoyable to do together when in each other's presence?

Personally, I enjoy taking a leisurely cruise around the town and absorbing the sites of my homely little area, as I feel it gives me a sense of nostalgia. I also enjoy tasting the delight of tobacco while enjoying a hearty conversation as the sun sets, for I find those are the perfect conditions to converse views of matters generally regarded as too serious for common talking points.
>> No. 137
Well, my dear fellow, it would be my pleasure entirely to inform you that it seems wondrous, the quality of enjoying time together you have found.

I myself however live in a place where weather does often all but allow for a nice walk around the village centre, and when I do go out for a walk I often tend to go to the city instead.

That is besides the point of course, because in the majority of my spare time, when I am in company of friends I will delight in other pleasures.
Studying arts, many a friend of mine is interested in the likes of literature and museums, both are most often enjoyed under a roof and therefore perfectly suitable for my home country's climate.
On other days we will marvel at the wonders of cinematography, one of the more recent - so-called hybrid - arts. And a marvel to behold it is, a friend of mine dost say, "Cinema is the most beautiful fraud in the world" after the famous words of Jean-Luc Godard.
I say, let me have more of this fraud, and a bowl of popped maize with a glass of red wine.
>> No. 148
Smoke pot
>> No. 149
Oh this brought many tears to my eye, good show!
I also partake, charas is one of life's few divine pleasures.

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138 No. 138 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Where can i acquire a monocle and top hat?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 140
I am in full agreement with the above submitter, but also wish to answer your question: You shall find both the means to acquire a top hat and monocle if you search the internet enough. I find that most anything I could desire that could be shipped reasonably is available using any of the many reputable online shopping sites.

You might also want to look for finer-quality adornments at local shops where you can browse in person.
>> No. 141

>> No. 142
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If I may be so bold, you might find a derbyshire, or "Bowler" suits the shape of your face and your, *ahem* cavalier grooming habits more appropriately.

Being similar in both aspects I shall deem it fit to present an example for your consideration.
>> No. 143
My, in my life have I seen such a peculiar size for that particular style of mustache. Curious.
>> No. 144

Ah, I may be a tad blunt in saying this, but while that particular style of hat is fitting to your appearance, it does leave you looking like a bit of a ruffian.

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42 No. 42 hide quickreply [Reply]
Fellows, I come to you with a question I'm sure has been asked prior to my venture into this part of the 99th channel: What makes a gentleman?
>> No. 43
First, honor, a noble person who lives virtuously might well be considered a gentleman.

Second, a clean and neat appearance. I don't think that means dressing in 19th century garb, but most casual clothing is to slovenly to be worn by a gentleman.

Third, men should be men and women should be women. Effeminacy in men is to be avoided at all costs. That doesn't mean being a combative rude person, just that you are a man and not a woman.

Fourth, a gentleman is polite. If you don't know the rules of proper polite behavior, I personally recommend that you read Emily Post's books on etiquette, although there are other fine books available. Read them and live by them.
>> No. 95
Is that pic from star trek next generation?
>> No. 128
In my humble opinion, a gentleman can't truly be defined externally. Those whom appear to be a gentleman may not be, and vice-versa. However, I think there are some qualities a man of stature could have and indeed be called a "gentleman".

A gentleman must always take care of himself to ensure that he is happy, but do it in a way that fits his morals and sense of honor. He must also take care of those whom he cares about-- not to the point of being depended upon blindly, of course, but in a show of kindness and respect. Sternness is also a factor, on the other side of the coin, and both kindness and sternness when combined form a combination that brings out the best not only in others but in the gentleman himself.

In terms of appearance, my opinion is that a gentleman makes whatever he wears look tidy, professional, and clean. His preferred choice of clothing is his alone, as long as it isn't slovenly or disheveled. Every gentleman is different, yet handle themselves in a manner befitting of being called a "gentleman".

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115 No. 115 hide quickreply [Reply]

Hello chaps. I'm General Puggington. I've smelt the rat when my fair maiden came at me, hammer and tongs, howling and barking. Outside my house was another gentlehound with no risibility whatsoever. I will warrant that he is her new lover! What is a dog to do? From the center to the skirts of town, I always come across her and she always sends me dirty growls. If any raggamuffins are to help me, I would be truly grateful.

General Hector Puggington

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56 No. 56 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Fine sirs, I know that there's been many a discussion started about this, yet I find myself shocked and appalled at the silence that has fallen upon this establishment and found itself very welcome amongst it's members. And while I do not wish to offend, I am sure most of my colleagues assembled here have their fair share of exploits they have taken part in recently; perhaps some of you would find yourselves comfortable with sharing them with us?

I assure you that the picture attached to this message is not relevant to it's contents.
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 70
One will be entertaining a dear friend overnight on the Tenth, and the intention is to spend a good deal of the Eleventh together in the city. Though we met recently, she is very dear to me.
>> No. 77
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>> No. 80
I went out to the cinema on Wednesday night with a lady friend, to see this new film "Chronicle".
It followed the exploits of a group of young lads who discover some sort of extra-terrestrial thingamabob that gives them telekinesis. Sadly one of them (who's father is an abusive drunk) goes mad and... well I don't wish to spoil the ending. Highly recommended.
>> No. 104
On the note of cinema my dear /gents/ do you have any opinion on the movie Sherlock Holmes? I found it to be an intriguing movie worthy of a /gents/ time and money. Should any of you have seen the sequel to said film, what where your reactions to it? I have not yet found the time to indulge in its viewing.
>> No. 105
Dear original poster,

I must admit that I had a good chuckle at the picture you submitted especially about that t-shirt thrown and folding in mid-air. I lost my seriousness for a moment.

To return to the topic of conversation, I do also feel very desolate regarding the slow procession of this board. I would feel at ease chit-chatting with you as a gentleman from afar, if your heart so desires. I do also condemn the fact not many refined gentlemen visit this establishment anymore. Let me insist on the fact that we should have something amongst the lines of a /gent/ IRC where we can directly speak to each other as cultivated sirs and madams. Note that I don't expect the consideration of my idea by the staff of this establishement but as I said, I am open to the idea of a refreshing polite talk with you.

Please accept my humble salutations.

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23 No. 23 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Really... real gents shave with knife, not with a silly razor.
ta ta
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>> No. 45
Gentlemen, allow me to interject with my two cents on this if you would. Around 2 years ago i decided to make the change to a simpler device for shaving (that being a straight razor) mainly based on the nostalgic novelty of the idea. However, shortly after learning the proper use of the tool, i decided that i would never go back to a multiblade cartridge razor ever again. The level of comfort you can achieve from a straight razor is simply unsurpassed by any other razor. After a proper warm towel and lather with a brush, not from a pressurized can and a good stropping on a nicely honed blade. A gentleman can truly get a proper shave done so well it needs to be followed by a cigar and a shot of bourbon.

In this link i have a video from back when i was still learning to properly shave. enjoy.

>> No. 52
Bravo sir, bravo.
>> No. 90
I have long pondered the idea of procuring a straight razor with which to maintain my usual visage. Where might I acquire such a razor of value and quality in addition to other necessary accessories?
>> No. 94

I would suggest a visit to whippeddog(dot)com for the man who would just be starting his adventure in wet shaving. He cleverly removes most decisions the lay shaver would have to make by giving a "sight unseen" bargain. The Whipped Dog will explain how this is beneficial on his web site.

Straight razor shaving is no menial task, as it will take at least two months for a gentleman to learn his own face. Not all men have the determination to continue after a few unpleasant shaves. However those who stay on the path are rewarded with fifteen to thirty minutes of self pampering that only a gentleman would appreciate.

I wish you the best of luck in this endeavor and I will leave you with this....

Do not shave in the buff. A dropped razor will be quite the hazard for your favorite appendage. A piece of advice I received when I began shaving as a gentleman.
>> No. 102
Here, here, old chaps and good show all around. I too have forsaken the greedy cartridge razor fat cats and have found nothing but nectar in my resulting shave.

I shall raise my glass of bourbon in your honor and spirit.

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