No. 137
Well, my dear fellow, it would be my pleasure entirely to inform you that it seems wondrous, the quality of enjoying time together you have found.
I myself however live in a place where weather does often all but allow for a nice walk around the village centre, and when I do go out for a walk I often tend to go to the city instead.
That is besides the point of course, because in the majority of my spare time, when I am in company of friends I will delight in other pleasures.
Studying arts, many a friend of mine is interested in the likes of literature and museums, both are most often enjoyed under a roof and therefore perfectly suitable for my home country's climate.
On other days we will marvel at the wonders of cinematography, one of the more recent - so-called hybrid - arts. And a marvel to behold it is, a friend of mine dost say, "Cinema is the most beautiful fraud in the world" after the famous words of Jean-Luc Godard.
I say, let me have more of this fraud, and a bowl of popped maize with a glass of red wine.