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File 132752816264.png - (17.94KB , 677x733 , 125590192946_png - IrfanView (Zoom 59742 x 729).png )
92 No. 92
It would seem the image worm thread is gone.

I'll post the end of the last one in case anyone wants to continue it.

here is the original, all stitched together (can't post because of limit on image size)

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>> No. 93
File 132752840577.jpg - (178.66KB , 1325x600 , roughly where it ended_.jpg )
Here is how it ended, I forgot the original size of each segment but I would wager a guess at width: 400 height: 600.
>> No. 94
It was 600x600, silly bugger.
>> No. 96
File 132752895769.jpg - (104.46KB , 600x600 , roughly where it ended_.jpg )
Apologies, I was actually just about to post that I got it wrong.

Here is exactly how it ended.
>> No. 97
That wasn't even close.
That was about 2/3rd of the way.

Someone should just make a website specifically for the worm.
>> No. 98
File 132753049644.png - (21.21KB , 600x600 , fronk worm 93.png )
There were 11 more. I have them all. It ended on this which loops back to start. Where's that dude who was gonna loop it to the 99chan song?
>> No. 99
My bad I made the big image at what I thought was the end of the thread, Now I feel like an idiot.

Fancy posting the ones I missed so I can add it to the image?
>> No. 100
>> No. 101

Here is the complete image, warning: absolutely insane filesize (107mb) once unrar'd.
I have no idea how to get it to a sensible size, oh well.

>> No. 148
File 132912095790.png - (24.20KB , 600x600 , 93.png )
Oh hey, the thread's actually back. I haven't worked on the video at all in hopes that we'd actually get back on track and hit the 99 image mark.

I personally would prefer using a different song with it, but if a majority want's the 99chan song, I can deal.

Also I was hoping that the purple worm itself would make it to the 99th image, so just something to keep in mind in case anyone does end up finishing this. I have all of the color/size corrected images up to this point (the one you posted would actually be the 94th), and I'll be sure to keep a lookout for more being posted here.
>> No. 303
Invalid, can anyone reupload?
>> No. 305
all the pieces and the whole worm. I don't know file size stuff though

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