No. 318
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Thounsands, and thousands of years ago lived a very rare breed of dragon that eventually went extinct around 200 AD. The name of this special kind of dragon was the "Twin Headed Dusk Dragon", although back in ancient times, the people lucky enough to catch sight of these mythical beasts usually referred to them simply as the "Glowing" Dragons.
Pictured here, is one of these legendary dragons. You may have noticed that in this image, you only see a dragon with one head. Well, this is exactly the case...
Long ago, the foolish, the brave, and the insane made themselves out to be what I would like to call "Dragon Capturers", although they were only truly hunting them (most of the time) for the fun and battle lust.
Anyway, this dragon pictured in particular was one of the very few that were caught, but not killed. This dragon was beheaded by it's Capturer, however, it's capturer was overpowered and defeated when the smoke cleared.
When a Twin Headed Dusk Dragon is (somehow) beheaded, in any way, shape, or form, a luminous purple tail grows out of where the head used to be, and, according to legend, gives the dragon anywhere from an extra 50 to 100 years of living life.
As you can see in the image, this Twin Headed Dusk Dragon has lost one of it's heads, but however, is happily and galantly soaring through the cool evening sky, and knows that although it lost a conterpart, it will live a longer life.
Added information:
-Twin Headed Dusk Dragons will die within months if BOTH heads are severed, or destroyed.
-Twin Headed Dusk Dragon were, (and will never be), never traveld during the daytime. During the late evening, and throughout most of the late night is when one might catch sight of these legendary dragons.
-Twin Headed Dusk Dragons have extremely shiney green bits of flesh scattered all over their bodies, which was the tell-tale sign of an almost guarenteed sighting of one.
-Twin Headed Dusk Dragons, can breathe fire, but only in short bursts, and only if they feel threatened by another offensive object/person.
-Twin Headed Dusk Dragons lived up to be an avrage of 400 years old, although some ancient tales claim that one of the eldest of these beasts was well into her thousands.
-It is believed that at the height of their existance, an approximate total count of Twin Headed Dusk Dragons was nearly 3,000.