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File 132842222951.jpg - (24.87KB , 300x600 , modigfuck.jpg )
124 No. 124
Make art pieces. This is my aborted attempt at some Mogidliani. My video card is fucked so the colors are probably way off, plus I gave up.
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>> No. 128
File 132843407894.png - (12.81KB , 600x600 , art.png )
>> No. 129
File 132856221349.png - (15.56KB , 1200x750 , beautifulyes.png )
>> No. 136
File 132858830823.png - (104.30KB , 945x418 , jakeson pollak.png )
>> No. 140
I'm sure you meant Modigliani

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 179

Step it up. Pick a name, google image, drawr that shit.
>> No. 180
File 133044337744.jpg - (93.50KB , 846x493 , earthly_delights.jpg )
someone do this one
>> No. 181
File 133045745572.jpg - (63.94KB , 772x814 , ryb.jpg )
clearly a piet mondrian in the making

seriously though does anyone know what the difference is between this guy's mildly visually interesting piece drawn in 10 minutes and a painting by piet mondrian?
>> No. 183
As the guy who did this >>128

Yeah, I know what the difference is. First off, he did it first, which, like it or not, has its merit.

But more importantly, his pieces are the result of dedicated study of perception and visual balance. I just did random straight lines and coloured a few random areas.

People often see that kind of painting and go "well my kid could do that", but in reality you can only say that because someone else did it. If they hadn't done it, I can assure you none of the people who scoff at modern art (that is, art between 1850 and 1950, not the true garbage people put out nowadays) could ever think of doing something like that.

It's kind of like punk rock, except there's a vast and complex world of ideas, experiments and studies behind most of the avantgarde artistic movements of the late 1800's and early-to-mid 1900's.

Alright, you can shoot me now. Also no, I don't have an arts degree or anything like that. I just like history and art, and therefore have read quite a bit about art history.
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