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File 14014306765.jpg - (89.72KB , 610x245 , qfg_22.jpg )
1024 No. 1024
In this thread we post either original or referential mspaint artwork. The intention is to create enough scenes for a fully fledged adventure game, using Adventure Game Studio. If you've ever played old school adventure games, they look like complete shit, so get cracking - er painting!

Due to the unfortunate disappearance of /pro/ we will be coordinating across several boards. /mu/ will handle the chiptune soundtrack. /wri/ will develop the plot and character dialogues. /nerd/ will do the scripting, and /tvav/ will beta-test/critically pan the game.

Since we don't care about copyright, you are free to use anything and everything as your reference, whether it makes it to the final cut depends on popular acclaim.
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>> No. 1028
I guess we could try to find a consensus on the setting. Low fantasy or High fantasy? Punk genres? Contemporary? Personify factions based on *Chans and make them at war?

It's all up to you, the voter!
>> No. 1030
File 14027093231.jpg - (71.14KB , 610x245 , qfg_18.jpg )
"Chan," a suffix denoting a town or city state. This is the age of the Chans at war.

78chan, an old colony of 7chan is decidedly neutral. The destruction of the mother city will disrupt that splendid isolation. Refugees wash ashore with a sobering tail of hardship and despair. But to the 78channers horror, the 7channers, although they speak the same dialect, their speech is slurred and bastardized. The words "lel" and "kek" are spoken for the first time, staining the land forever.

It is the first sign of a primal plague, a prionic virus that mimics cancer in its final stages.

The immigrants are quickly executed before the contagion spreads. But more will come. The gentocracy decides to do the unthinkable: send a man into the heart of darkness, a man who is linguistically immune to the disease, to find the source of the corruption, and destroy it. Along the way he encounters many enemies, and some erstwhile friends, such as the 420 tribe, whose herb grants partial resistance.

One of the characters should be a rapping chicken. He should rap like supa hot fire.

>"I'm not a chicken."
>> No. 1037
You are shipwrecked on a furry isthmus. The creatures take you captive, and yiff you one by one. You have one chance per day of escaping, and if you do so while you still have 7 crew members left, you can go sailing and find loot. Otherwise you need to run to the mainland, which starts off the main quest.
>> No. 1040
File 140465785250.jpg - (100.26KB , 610x245 , qfg_23.jpg )
I'm thinking it should be more puzzle based than roll based. Depending on your skillset, your options will be fight, flight, trickery, or sorcery.

So I guess this could be where you pick your character's initial abilities.

It is common to have many death screens for every encounter in these types of games. For example, trying to swim away while still chained results in drowning, while attempting to join the furries results in a death screen "yiff in hell furfag." As per usual, the death screens bring up a reload prompt. These are actually most of the fun in an adventure game, so even if the game doesn't get made per se, we at least have a bunch of funny reaction images.

If you kill one of the furries and use the hide as a disguise, when you reach the next town you will be kill on sight, unless you make it to one of the most cancerous areas, where your normal countenance is kill on sight.

This is considered a "cancerous" action. Watch your cancer bar up top, if it fills up, cancer will metastasize in your body and an identical copy of you will burst forth (like in army of darkness), with exactly your abilities, which you need to fight. If playing on the lowest difficulty, if you lose to your clone it isn't game over, but at the end of your name will be added "The Faggot," and everyone will call you by your full name.

"Cleansing" actions will reduce your cancer level, as well as certain consumables, herb etc.

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