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5 No. 5
Wife carrying Anon here.

The /fit/ board here is a place you can come for genuine advice. Though year-long 150+ post threads don't have posts every day, they show the board generates constant, long term value for posters and lurkers. I and several other posters had 150+ post threads that logged months of workout progress. One of these logged a year in China, where I trained to lift my girlfriend for a wife-carrying competition. Pics were delivered of the lift, and it was an awesome story for all the posters that made this possible.

Let's get the sticky and another two progress threads that had been deleted back on the board. I really don't want to see this board die and its tripfriends scattered.
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>> No. 61
Nicely done, man.

I've been keeping up with your thread before the big purge, and I must say, I'm very impressed you could make it this far and accomplish your goal.

You know what everyone who knows their stuff always say: "Fitness is but a lifelong journey." You've just taken your first steps, and hopefully you'll motivate many others to take action themselves.

I wish you good luck in your health and marriage. My regards to your family.
>> No. 113
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Thanks, man. It was great to share the journey with the board, culminating in the lift itself outside the Olympic Stadium. There was so much good info in that thread too: links to Practical Programming (with 78% less autism, youtube videos on correcting posture and diet/form advice. We'll see if there are backups available and try and get traffic back to the board.

Just like to post the place I was starting off, at around 63kg at 185cm at the start of 2010. I was tired, irritable and suffered from chronic pain from tendonitis. Girlfriend will attest that I was skin and bone. I had myself checked for thyroid disorders, but couldn't gain weight.

Girlfriend's uncle calculated my calorie intake, and it was around 1800 most days. No wonder I felt like I was dying. I couldn't make the excuse that I was 'too busy' anymore as her father got me a weight gain shake.

After fixing my diet and keeping up fencing/swimming, I was around 70kg. When we broke for summer holidays, I joined a local gym and did flies and leg extentions for a month. Cue nogains.

While on the beach, I told my girlfriend I'd lift her when I came back from China. I then made the 99chan thread, and was pointed in the direction of the big 4 lifts.

I read SS 1st ed, and it changed my life. Though we only had a shitty gym with holes in the floors, rusting barbells and no staff, and though I was in a new country with new food, language and friends, I managed to get into the gym and do SS for about 4 months.
>> No. 114
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My 3x5 lifts went from:

Squat-> Empty smith machine to 80kg barbell. The rack was a dip station.
Deadlift->40kg to 130kg
Bench-> 20kg to 60kg
OHP->20kg cheat press to 45kg military.

I went from about 72kg to 83kg.
>> No. 115
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In the next 3 month, after a 1 month cut, to prepare for the girlfriend coming to China, I cut back my parkour, started a new job and bulked.

At my heaviest, I was 88kg.

My 1RM were:
Squat: 110kg
Bench: 75kg
Deadlift: 170kg
Press: 47.5kg
Powerclean: 75kg

I could bang out 3x6 pullups and 5x5 dips. I could (barely) keep up with Chinese parkour dudes that were 20kg lighter and a half foot shorter. I looked a little something like the attached. I was getting pretty chubby, and all the deadlifting had left me with a muscular imbalance.

Girlfriend came out. Lifted her. Nice reunion for the month.

I had stopped making linear progress, and my time as a novice lifter had finished. I read Practical Programming and tried to follow a intermediate programme. This didn't workout, because work got a lot more intense and it was too hot to train at 40 degrees at night.

I had to return home a month earlier than I'd expected as my visa was not being renewed by my company, but I was ready to return to college.
>> No. 121
Salutations, wife-carrying sir.

I don't know if you've checked out the "weight loss" thread that was started by me at least once before the purge, but I sure remember having checked the hell out of your thread. Maybe it was that nice sense of assurance that I derived from knowing someone on the same board was also working towards attaining fitness in what I see as the truest sense (improvement of health, strength); I found myself reading through your posts at least twice a week.

I've taken a couple of detours along my "journey" to fitness, and made excuses for myself for putting half-baked effort into getting into shape. It wasn't until recently that I broke myself out of the stall, set definite goals, and made genuine effort to keep the promise I've made to myself and /fit/ (Guess it's /fitfa/ now; good thing, because my fashion sense is downright terrible).

Looking at your new thread in what has been over a year, you've definitely made dramatic progress and just blew your original goal out of the water. Hearing the good news, it feels as if a close friend of mine has finally succeeded in jumping over that proverbial hurdle he's been trying his damndest to go over.

Touchy-feely stuff aside, I'd like nothing better than to make new progress and show the people out there what exactly a former fatty can do. I'd like to make a new thread of my own in the near future, keeping /fitfa/ posted on my definite road to fitness and beyond--hopefully without those massive high-quality pictures.

Here's to our health. Cheers.
>> No. 122
Hey Dave! I was following your weightloss thread for the year. It was great to see your thread being updated, because you were fighting the good fight and kept at it. You made an awful lot of progress, not merely in your ability to resize pictures, but in terms of listening to your body. I can relate to the purity of your goals. Health is what physical culture is about.

It was probably a big challenge for you in the first few months, but it's great to hear you've kept at it. Don't delay in making your new thread. We need to get some traffic back to the board. If we can get the guy who put on lean mass and had nice lats back, we'll be sorted.

>Hearing the good news, it feels as if a close friend of mine
I feel the same way. We all spend hours daily in *chan culture, so it makes sense to have a space where we can take off the mask, yet still be Anonymous.
>> No. 208
At the moment, I'm 82-84kg, at between 12-14%bf. Had an ingrown toenail removed, it got badly infected, and I haven't been able to get around as much as I'd have liked to. No Judo either, I missed my first competition; I should be better for a yellow belt grading.

Seeing progress across the board on SS (again). When I stall, I'm going to go straight on the intermediate programme in Practical Programming.

Squat 1RM: 120kg - as of last week. Seeing progress, but toe has stalled it.
DL 1RM: 140kg - aiming for 150kg within 8 days for a lifting meet.
Press 3RM: 45kg - looking for a 50kg 1RM
Bench 1RM: 65kg - doing dumbell bench for a month as a main lift.

Dips: 3x12- these have gotten so much stronger. Going to start weighting them.
Pull ups: 10 is my max. going for 15.
Chins: 3x8. Going to start weighting these. Gi pullups interesting.

Farmer's walks: 40kg dumbell for 70m. 2 turns.
Power snatch 5x3: 40kg

Went through a pretty rough patch at Christmas for illness, had to be taken into hospital. Missed my exams. It took me the guts of two months to recover. I was the managing editor of a academic journal, and I neglected everything but our journal. I'm looking forward to working this summer, because I cannot wait to get out of college and into the real world. I hate the attitudes of everyone in free education around me. There are 100 Chinese and Indians clamouring for your job, and you are doing nothing to outcompete them.
>> No. 672
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>> No. 673
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>> No. 674
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>> No. 675
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