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85 No. 85
My favorite /elit/ story is gone. I was planning to re-read it and possibly write a sequel for great justice.

It's called "Synthetic" or "Renee"... Does anyone have it?
>> No. 86
Look up APLgirl on storiesonline
>> No. 277

is this it?
>> No. 282
Failed it.


Also, OP, are you writing this? I as well had been writing a sequel of sorts, more of a worldbuilding exercise
>> No. 288
Good work, Anon.

I'd be interested in seeing what you guys come up with for sequels.

I've only gotten a few thousand words in the one I was working on.
>> No. 290
I am absolutely stuck on smut. I have written about 3800 words and not a single sexytime ;~;

>> No. 292

That was much better than I expected. I'm impressed.

I like that you are using characters I don't know. I'm interested in reading more.

(I find it interesting that you chose an MM pairing for yours; the "interlude" I've been working on is also a MM pairing, with an important character for the actual sequel)

I've had trouble writing smut before. Since so much of my fetish is also tied into dominance/submission, writing or rereading some of the scenes in the wrong frame of mind can make me feel sick (with empathy and such).

Think about it for awhile, then just try. Remember that you are a solid writer, so at least the spelling/grammar/etc will be right. Try to avoid rushing through the scene (a lot of people do that the first time). Remember that the scene serves more than just the purpose of being fap material - it's elucidating more and more info about your characters.

Leave a message here when you update. I'm intrigued.
>> No. 295

Tings II: Electric Boogaloo
Ryan blows Jared while the owners eat. First smut I've ever written. One more chapter and I think I'll post it directly to the board
>> No. 314
You wrote that pretty well.

For clarity, try to keep an eye out on pronouns - if you refer to someone as "he/him" in a paragraph, avoid referring to someone else by the same pronouns in that paragraph.

Start posting in a new thread - you should get some attention for your work, dude.
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