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753 No. 753
Hey Guys, ages ago there was this story about an australian that moved to america to live, cant remember the guys name, but i remember one of the girls names was Stella

Can anyone lead me to it? I know i'm being bague but its been so long i can't really remember
>> No. 754
that would have been new friends by halcyon, there was also a sequel which is worth a read even though it went unfinished
>> No. 755
I can only Seem to find the first page, Does anyone know where Halcyon site is or has his story kept

And i was also looking for another story, Wasn't on elit.
But it was about a guy who's grandfather died and he inherited all his company and his private island and find out he has 3 sisters which all end up been having linked to one another before they knew each other
>> No. 757

Create an account on storiesonline.net and then go to his page, as linked above.
>> No. 758
757 here again, I forgot to mention that he actually finished the sequel.
>> No. 759
Thanks heeps
You wouldn't happen to know what the other story i was talking about do you?

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