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652 No. 652
So, um, this might not get much of a response but I figured it's worth asking.

Does anyone have those two fics from ages ago called Renee and Derek's Luck?

Renee was a story about a cybernetic custom-made slavegirl sold to a very rich man, and the trials and tribulations of such. It was very long, and very good.

Derek's Luck was a story about a thief in a fantasy world who becomes part of a harem, gets fucked in the butt a lot, etc. Amazing story. Long.
>> No. 655
Synthetics, or Renee, is available on storiesonline.net/s/60167 with a free registration. Aplgirl is writing more after she either finishes or abandons an m/m story on the other chan elit board.

No joy on the other one though.
>> No. 656
Derik's Luck, because I like screwing up character's names and not spelling them right. At the moment, it isn't on my site because I had this vague hope of editing it, cleaning up some of the worse of the English, and republishing it.

It is "next" on my list after I finish Puppy Mill.

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